Crocheted Toys Attached To The Camera Lens


Grabbing people’s attention is hard, but making kids focus on something more than two minutes, is a real challenge! This rule is hard, but if you’re into the photography business, it’s a real threat. We found this cute method of achieving this hard task and also have fun in the process! Crocheted animals are an easy and quick DIY project to improve your efforts to grab children’s attention when taking photos of them. Here is what you will want in order to make a mouse, teddy, bunny, cat or dog model:

• croquet;
• felt;
• needle;
• glue;

The steps are not that different from any simple crocheting technique. The trick from getting smiles from kids while you press the shutter button on your camera is fashioning the model you chose in a round shape. The middle should be an empty circle so you can place your objective there and start making great photos of the little ones. Attach felt eyes, nose and ears to your cute crochet animal to make it more pleasing to the eye and much easier for children to interact with. Make any type of animal that you think will be the most popular. Or any type which you think it’s simpler to mimic. Good luck!


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