DIY Family Handprint Tree


family-tree-hand-prints instructions here…

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9 Responses to “DIY Family Handprint Tree”

  1. maria says:

    Would like to get a Family Birthday Board, however cant get to order one. Need help. HELP!

  2. lailimaan says:

    can we use oil paint for this?

    • Jean says:

      Use whatever you want, good grief. You don’t need permission. Experiment a little.

      • Melissa says:

        Why so snarky? She’s just trying to get some insight. If you’re not part of the solution you’re part of the problem. Have a nice day 🙂

        • Debi Cruz says:

          Geez I totally agree Melissa. Snarky and certainly not demonstrating a very cheerful state of mind. I wondered what types of paint could be used too. Oil can pre pretty hard to get off and definitely requires pretty harsh chemicals for clean up. I somehow assumed the post might include a link to make some kind of paint. Finger paining paints came to mind. I think most paints could probably be used but I might avoid oil simply because of the cleaning factor. Great job for holding that one accountable. Keep smiling!

        • Barbara Lyons says:

          She was giving permission to be creative, to use anything colorful. I got the drift and I thought the comment was very nice. I personally liked it and would enjoy meeting her.

  3. Gia says:

    I wouldn’t suggest oil paint for handprints. Particularly for Littles. Oil paints require solvents. Soap & water don’t work. Use acrylic which dries permanently but is water soluble while wet.

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