DIY Large Scrabble Tiles


Decorate your home with some inspiring words and design. If you don’t like what art decorators have in store for you, make your own art with a bunch of large scrabble tiles. Here is what you will need in order to turn this project into a reality on your walls:

• a print-out with the letter you want on regular printer paper;
• a pencil;
• an 8 by 8 inches unprimed wooden board;
• black craft paint or a black Sharpie paint pen;
• some glossy Modge Podge;
• a roll of low-tack tape;
• a thin paint brush;
• a wide paint brush;


The first step is to cut the paper you’ve printed your letter on to the size of the 8 by 8 wooden board. Then take the pencil and heavily color the outlines of the design on the backside of the paper.  Next, by using low-tack tape, place the piece of paper with its backside covered in pencil to the piece of wood. Carefully trace the design with the pencil.


This way, you will also mark the wood with the pencil that you applied onto the backside. If you think this technique doesn’t help you, just work straight on the wooden board. Now, either use craft paint or paint pen directly on the wood. Leave the paint to dry overnight and add 2 thin coats of the Modge Podge. Be careful to leave 1 hour between the coats to dry. Wonderful! Place on the wall and brag to your friends whenever they come to visit.

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  • Jenny Frank on said:

    I do not understand how to print out each letter. Isnt there a pattern or site I can use? Or am I suppossed to create it on my own?

    • Melissa J on said:

      Jenny…I used this website a while back and was able to click on each letter I wanted and download to my computer. Now it’s not allowing me to do that. Not sure what changed, but need to add a name to my project and can’t get the letters I need now to match the ones I’ve already made. Ugh!

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