You surely remember from your childhood, that playing with sand used to be a fun thing. Maybe you still enjoy getting creative with sand, when going to the beach. So if you have children, and playing with sand is something they like very much, you can build them this cool sand box. This project is a DIY one and you’ll also get to recycle an old item, as the sand box will be made out of an old book case. All you have to do is find a book case large enough for your child or children to fit inside, so they can sit there comfortably while playing. Then remove some shelves in order to create two compartments, one for the sand and one for the toys. Paint the exterior of the book case in the colors of your choice and fill the larger compartment with sand. Then find a nice spot for the sand box in your garden and let the fun begin!
more details here…
- Picnic Sand Table
- Amazing Sand Art
- Sandbox With Cover And Benches