Easy DIY: Egg Carton Flower Lights


The look of your home or room can easily be improved with DIY projects. You don’t have to be an interior designer to change the look of your home, as a few simple ideas will do the trick. You just have to be careful to choose the right project for you, one that fits your personality the style of your home. If you like recycling projects, you should try out this next one and make yourself a set of beautiful flower lights out of egg cartons. To make the lights, you will need: 3-6 egg cartons, Christmas lights, acrylic paint, hot glue gun and a pair of scissors. Start by cutting off the lid of the carton, but don’t throw it away. Then cut the middle of the egg carton and cut out the parts where you place the eggs. Shape the ends of this piece to create a flower and do the same for each one. When you have each flower, you can start painting with the color of your choice. Use the lid of the carton to pour the paint inside and let each flower dry. Shape them once again using a cutter and cut an x on each flower’s bottom. Insert the Christmas lights into each flower and find the right place for your pretty decoration.

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