How To Build A House With 4000 PET Bottles


A house made out of PET bottles will prove not only a sustainable project but an accessible one, as the small home you can see in the photos is built by students. Ten students from Sao Paolo received a prize to make the ecological idea into reality. The 24 square meters residence includes a balcony, and all of this is made with 4.000 PET bottles. Be careful though, these are not empty but filled with washed sand and a mixture of soil with 10% cement. Some parts, like the support columns, are not from PET but as you would find in a normal type of house. The actual work is very similar to raising a regular house. But with the objective of saving the environment while building a real working residence can give you a nice boost of energy. Check out the project from Brazil and read all the details of the building process as well as the benefits of such a type of PET bottle house.



PET-house-3 more details here …


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