How to Build a Plastic Barrel Derby Cart


Soap box derby competitions aren’t what they used to be half a century ago, but they aren’t completely extinct! With parents encouraging kids to lead more active lives outdoors, the simple and exciting world of soap box derby is coming alive again. And the DIY community offers plenty of solutions to make the carts for the competitions in an easy and un-expensive manner. The plastic drum barrels are one such solution! To be more precise here is the list of materials you will require in order to build the entire cart: four 14′ bicycle wheels, three pieces of 1 meter long timber, four pieces of 75 mm longer than wheel diameter timber, screws, small bolts, M10 bolts with matching lock nuts, M8 threaded bar, 2 – 15 mm equal T Plumbing Fittings, 15 mm by 3 mm steel bar (for track rods and control arms). Grab your jigsaw, cordless drill, measuring tape and follow the instructions from the tutorial featured here in order to build your own DIY soap box derby cart.







1 Comment

  • Duongdung on said:

    This is very creative. Unused barrels can create toys for children. It also helps to develop children’s thinking in a positive way to protect the environment.

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