Wealth is not distributed equally between people around the world, and some just have a lot more than others. But this does not mean that there aren’t still people out there who are willing to give back, help the less fortunate and do some good while on this Earth.
Rick Steves is among them, as he is a multi-millionaire with a big heart who made a fortune out of his European travel-guides and travel series.
Steves donated an entire apartment complex to the YWCA to help homeless women and children start a new life and stay off the streets.
The apartment complex is worth $4 million and can host up to 24 people, who can all stay rent-free there. The complex was named Trinity Palace and Steves bought it in 2015, but with the help of YWCA and Rotary Club, he managed to transform it into a safe space for women and children and offer them guidance.
Most of the women living in the apartment complex are single mothers, who struggle with everyday life so having a place where they can rest and put their lives together is of great help.
Steves hopes to inspire other multi-millionaires to start giving back to their community and contribute to the reduction of the existing gaps between rich and poor.
source: blog.ricksteves.com
Hope To cross Your Traveling Euro Path some Day & Thank You w great food , for All the goodness You do to Our Communities !!!
Bless You !!!
Love Your Reply ~ I certainly Wish RICK to Read all these applauds. I came from travel industry, worked my way thru college working for United Airlines And Hawaiian Tour company …. now physio-psychologist, using Music Medicine for trauma……… I will be looking Up What location this House Gifted by Rick Steves is ….. And seeing what I can do as volunteer of some kind.
I’ve watched Rick Steves on PBS for years and have admired his integrity and compassion. Well done Rick!
This is so nice. I wish someone would just help me find an apartment I can afford.
I was once homeless in a hopeless situation, but I kept focused and stayed good despite all the negative stuff happening to me for years , it was hell but I never gave up , just stay good and do good , because karma is real my friend. Believe in yourself, nothing is impossible, never give up, xx
Well said, dee! Not giving up and believe in oneself is the key to personal success and victory in life. What goes around, definitely comes around.
TJ, I wish everyone could find affordable living. <3 It says a lot about us as a society that we allow homelessness, or near homelessness.
What a wonderful man! WOW!!! I wish more people would be as generous as Rick Steves is! Great example for us all.
You are a blessing to so many people. I hope more people that are financially set, will also do the same for others in need. It is a desperate situation in this Country. May God Bless all the people suffering and bring them hope and strength through this Covid nightmare.
He and his multi-million-dollar entity bought an apartment complex in 2015 as an investment, donated it in 2020 — knowing a tax write-off will be less helpful to him for the next few years at least, and avoiding further property tax — and advertises it widely and wildly. Did he honestly explain this, and thank these women and children for the benefits he receives? Did he apologize for keeping his many unnecessary millions while they continue to struggle with other needs, and many many other people go hungry and homeless? That would be something worth admiring. What he’s done is little more than good business.
Well done Rick!!
May all the gods and goddesses bless you and may your influence spread like sunlight.
Mr. Stevens, you are a REAL superstar! Thank you for your kindness. You’re doing something that other people who have a lot should do. It’s the best New Year’s gift for those who are in need. Thanks again for your kind heart.
Rick Steves you’re the best. Thanks for putting faith back into our country
If every multi millionaire and billionaire did this we could put a huge dent in this countrys homeless problem. We also need to stop city officials from selling to all the big wealthy developers and stop them from buying up all the land for fancy high rises and penthouses. Transitional housing is great but its only a temporary fix for the huge problem of not enough affordable housing.
i love what you do i love helping people i feel god put me here to look over them.im 71 and still work and i take a bit of it and pay it forward.plus try and help my kids and there familys.its the most rewarding thing a person can doi dont have what you have.and i dont make alot of money buy im glad and happy to help people in need thank you for being you
Thank you for your GENEROSITY and HUMANITY
I try to lead by example in my Family and Community
Just yesterday one of my grandchildren said they realosed it was time for them to give back as they could this year.We discussed their options. This brought tears to my eyes and
Warmed my Heart …No greater gift for me.
Rick, you not only have a talent for traveling, but you have a heart for those less fortunate than you. Thank you for your generosity
Awesome.. wonderful that he has done this for single mothers …love it .. blessings to all those who benefit from his genorosity
This is what it means to be compassionate and to be useful.
No higher can you be.
Bravo!! Decency exists in the world still!!
Oh? A mean old white man with power and privilege? Say it ain’t so! Great job Rick! You’re a wonderful man and example.
You are such a compassionate person and so giving. You are a fine man.
My daughter needs an apt for herself and her son too.
What a blessing this man is
he truly manifests the words
Than you Mr. Steves
Bless you for this act of kindness! I have bought your guides and watched your programs for years! Am happier to do that now that I know you are just as generous in real
Life as you are on the screen!
Thank you for your kindness and ACCOUNTABILITY
I have a chinchilla I didn’t want to buy this and less somebody could tell me if this will harm my chinchilla in anyways since my chinchilla is in the rodent family.
This is nice . I enjoy watching him on PBS.
Wish I could get a place I am 71
God blesses a cheerfull giver..This is awesome…and I know you Rick ; seeing lives transformed is like the saying “give me my flowers while I living; not when i gone..
Is there any need for household items such as furniture, kitchen supplies, and the like? I would like to donate items of this type if that is possible.
Rick Stevens is frequently on my local PBS Channel OETA with his travel documentaries. I always enjoy his shows because they always include interesting facts, history and trivia about the nations and their culture he visits. I had no idea that he was such a philanthropist until reading this article. What a pleasant surprise! God Bless you Rick!
This is awesome Steve. As a single Mom with resources I am concerned with those in need.
Thank you, Rick, for putting your money to compassionate use!
from one Norwegian to another: thanks Steve!
Such an Amazing Person with a huge Heart.
Thanks so much for setting an example and living the ‘Christ-like’ way. That is the true meaning of the Star of Bethlehem that just showed up to light the WAY.
I also love following you on your travels. I live vicariously through you, as I am sure many others do also.
Thanks again,
I recognized Steve’s name right away. I used to watch his travel shows. What an amazing thing he has done for these people. I wish he would inspire other wealthy people.
I’m a fan of Steve, I ‘ve used his guides and videos for traveling purposes. A lovely man with a great
I’m a fan of Steves, I ‘ve used his guides and videos for traveling purposes. A lovely man with a great
Great heart and one of the best ways to alleviate poverty and give people another chance. Hopefully other millionaires will follow suit.
Bless you Steve. What a wonderful gesture. Love your show too
T.J. Look for a FB page for Sheriff of Polk county FL to see how he runs the criminal justice department in that area. He’s awesome! So yesterday (*as a joke) I asked for their zip code and what theme park is in the area? 3 people answered, it’s Lakeland, FL an hour away from 2 major theme parks and 3rd person said they have Legoland in New Haven, when I looked up their zip code? Lots of inexpensive mobile homes although some said 55+ communities I think that you should look for a safe place to live, not just what you can afford. I currently live in Tx and I’m trying to plant food in local community gardens in impoverished areas so that residents have food to eat, it’s cheap enough to harvest seeds from tomatoes, mandarins oranges, etc I hope that you don’t give up on life bc you don’t have money? Ask God for protection and guidance, stay safe. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Appreciate his humanitarian generosity
Steve is the BEST…thank God for people like Rick Steve’s
Great to see this. Rick is a gem. And I’ll be there is at least one picture of Martin Luther in that building too.
God Bless You Rick Steve’s, how generous of you!
What a wonderful generous man. God Bless You , Rick Steves
May blessings be with you and yours. God blesses
Those who follow snd do His word !!! You have given
These women and children another life. Thsn
You and for your enjoyment of the world for us!!
May blessings be with you and yours. God blesses
Those who follow snd do His word !!! You have given
These women and children another life. Thank you for showing us the world
May God bless Rick Steves!!!
Rick steves wow so heart touching wish more tv stars and people with money do great things like u doing your making big difference in this world
I have wished I had the million$, to be able to provide a safe and caring place for the disadvantaged. This is the first time I’ve heard of a millionaire who took the direct approach instead of donating to a charity. Please please PLEASE may others with the million$ follow Rick Steve’s example!!! Because why NOT.
Thank you Rick Steves, I wish I was a wealthy person, I would do something like this also. You are an inspiration, keep up the good work. Spread the love.
It is refreshing to see a wealthy person choosing to give those less fortunate so that they can live a better life!
Always love your shows and knew you had a big heart. Thank you Rick <3
Gosh, this is awesome..Rick Steve’s, Thank you
Rick, I admire your generosity . A very selfless act of kindness to the single moms and their children . God bless you .
Rick Steves you are a God sent angel. I pray many blessings on your life.
God bless you Rick Steves! Coolest man on T.V.!!! Children will thank you in years to come
If I ever become rich like Steve’s is I will do same thing.Thats Remarkable what he done during the covid-19.
Thank you for helping the less fortunate. Wish more people with means would help the needy. You are inspirational. I think the homeless have lost hope and their family’s have given up on them and don’t want them around because of their actions. May God bless you and keep you safe.
Good job Rick.
Thank you! You make a diffence!!
Great cause, great deed, from a great dude.
Very inspiring Mr. Steves. Thank you for your support of these people !! Very generous and positive !! #AwesomeSauce
I was a single mom of 2 boys, that grew up to be wonderful young men! Bless you for helping these families

Kindness fills your heart more then any money can. Thank you Rick for being the loving man you are everyday. I have enjoyed your books and shows for years and will for years to come. Blessings to you and your family
This is so awesome. Yay Rick Steves and rotary and bye ymca ! We need loads more of this in this country
Thank you for your generosity and your approach in partnering with the YWCA and the Rotary!! I long to hear more about this great project. I hope many more with means will be inspired….
I have enjoyed your travel & food videos on PBS; And you filled a huge spot left open by the passing of Mr Bourdain’s travel videos! Bless your heart for your videos that take me to those places I will never see in person!!
He is one of a kind ! The very best kind !
Such a generous guy. He’s lived a fruitful life……he pays it forward now
What a wonderful guy! Wish we had more folks like him! Have always enjoyed his travel shows, especially Italy!
Now this is what I call doing the right thing. More like you needed.
Wonderful story! Truly impressed with Rick Steves and his giving back to those needing a hand. Bravo!
This is very nice, I wish that someone as he would assist me with my home. I am scared of losing it to bacruptcy.
Wow, you are such an amazingly generous man. This brought happy tears to my eyes. God bless you, Rick Steve’s

May God bless you, thank you for caring. Hope others will follow
Rick Steves, I am so proud of what you have done which will certainly help these families in a big way! I support PBS, worked the call center in San Francisco when you were a featured guest, and I have gone to Italy several times using your book as a guide. This story is an example of how one person can make a difference in so many lives. Thank You!
This is so cool, Rick Steves, you are the MAN!
Noblesse Oblige.
Thank you for encouraging hearts and saving lives.
Steve you are a gift from GOD! Such a blessing you are to these women. We need more generous men with the means to give back! I was a single mother of 4 and it was wonderful but full of challenges! You have been able to take such a tole off of these mothers! Thank you so much.
Always loved watching your show Mr Steves and can only dream of some of the beautiful places on this earth you have been and the delicious meals you have eaten.God has truly blessed you and now you are a blessing to others. May our Lord Jesus Christ keep you safe and open the window of Heaven and pour out to you so many blessings that you will not room enough to receive. This is my Prayet for you, in Jesus Christ Mighty Name I pray. AMEN.
God Bless you for believing in his Life
You are so inspiring. Thanks from the bottom of my heart. I have enjoyed your humanity during your travel shows, both on PBS and NPR. You really are a hero, Steve. Thanks so much.
God bless you and keep you safe. Thank you for helping these mothers and children.
it’s refreshing to hear this stories just to remind your self that there’s more good people than bad greedy people on earth . thank you MR STEVENS.
I hope other billionaires follow your lead!
You do ROCK!
Thank you for making a HUGE difference in these women’s lives. We ( husband and I and our travel partners) watch you all the time, buy your books before we travel, and listen to your oral guides on trips. We have always loved you but now more than ever. We hope your idea touches other multimillionaires and they all take in one building and do something similar so we can end homelessness in our country Thank you Rick!
This is an awesome gesture. More people and communities should be doing this kind of thing.
Wow! This act of kindness speaks volumes about Steves
If Steve’s would challenge every MultiMillionaire he knows to do the same apartment complex donations for 24 people. This could be a “win-Win” for all. MultiMillionaire would get a tax deduction while
24 homeless people X 10,000 MultiMillionaires would provide housing for over 240,000 HOMELESS PEOPLE!!!
What a Saint of a Man,I cant think of a Better cause
What a Saint of a Man,I cant think of a better cause to spread generosity
That is a great man I wish all people were like him. I wish I can find me a nice place to live
That is such a heart felt gift to those
women. may God bless you for your caring nature!
So impressive. What a great heart !
Thank you for your generous heart and from me may your generosity, may it serve as a guide for others and May you always be blessed.
So greatful for your tremendous generosity Steve.
That’s awesome need more millionaires to help
Bless you
Love you!! I am a social worker in MA.. Inhave tons of household items I want to donate..bedding.. dishes..clothing
An inspiring scene beautiful
gesture giving family’s off the street . Money well spend !!!
So True Integrity and Caring from RICK STEVES.
I certainly Wish RICK to Read all these applauds.
I must admit, I wanted to join in his Vocation of European Travel
I came from travel industry, worked my way thru college working for United Airlines And Hawaiian Tour company …. now physio-psychologist, using Music Medicine for trauma……… I will be looking Up What location this House Gifted by Rick Steves is ….. And seeing what I can do as volunteer of some kind.
I hope that more muti millionaires follow you there would be a lot less homeless people in the world God bless you
Wish someone would do this here in Georgia especially in Cumming
They will trash it.
Those four words say a million about you.
I appreciate you Rick Steves, you are the same since I met you in the 70’s…Oh the places YOU have gone, and you keep on shining God’s light my friend…what a great, hope full, thing you have done here. Thank you.
While philanthropy is to be admired, it is no replacement for governmental policy and action. We can not rely on the good will of rare individuals; these are just bandaid solutions that will miss many other problems that aren’t good PR to solve by citizens. Policy in education, public payed healthcare (including treatment of drug rehabilitation), community support, job placement, training, UBI and many other social services paid for by the general public addressing the source of all these problems are the only way to really fix these issues. I’m afraid that the “looking out for me” generation that has existed for decades will not allow us, in the capitalistic first world, to really grasp as a fundamental responsibility to our siblings on earth. We must move the social conscious in the correct direction and progress through policy and law initiatives that have a ground level affect for the public. A stable and healthy populace is beneficial to all.
Ive been in that situation before and worse.May God Protect you and keep you.You are an Angel sent to these women and children.Your a SPECIAL SPECIAL PERSON AND GOD HAS USED YOU!PRAISE THE LORD.WISH THERE WHERE MORE PEOPLE LIKE YOU GOD BLESS YOU ALWAYS
Wow watch Rick Steve’s for years now.How wonderful to see such generosity
You are a great American and humanitarian who has done the Right Thing for these women and children. Now let’s hope other wealthy Americans follow your path.
Rick, I really enjoy your travel programs. And I’ve always had a feeling that you must be a great, caring man. It’s wonderful to see that my guess was accurate.
I think that is very nice. I always wanted to teach young mothers various skills like sewing, crocheting , parenting so they can learn surival skills. I would like to start a nonprofit group.
Where is this Community of women, and their children are living? If it is in my area, I would love to help them with life skills!
I was homeless for 7 years and it might seem hopeless but there is a light at the end of the tunnel! It just takehelp, and a lot of hard.
Two days ago we were getting gas, a young lady asked for a blanket. There was no room at the shelter because of covid.
We went jome grabbed a king comforter and gave it to her.
Many of these people have bondages and broken hearts that need healing!
What a beautiful man. Thank you for your kind heart.
How do you know? Everyone is not like that. I would be so grateful. As a lot of other women will be. That’s just rude! For no reason.
Why does the title start with “Man gives…” Everyone knows Rick Steves. He’s not just some “man”. He is a pretty incredible man though. <3
Rick Steves you are one in a four million, your kindness shines, for single women with children…….
Want to teamwork with your establishment to use plastic waste to build simple homes for the poor in Ghana West Africa !!!
We need help me an my baby we need foof an somewar to says at
Rick, you are a good, good person. Thank you for caring for others in such a generous way. You rock!
Wow, I use to watch Rick Steves do his travel series. I had no idea he was a multimillionaire…well done for supporting the homeless mothers/children, if only the rest of the upper crust did the same. If I had that kind of money I would help out the less fortunate
God Bless you! we need more people like you in the world.
This is why when it’s snows 1 inch in a densely populated area. People die and act like it’s the end of the world. And don’t know what the fuck to do. They always want someone else to do the shit for them and give them what they need. This is why our civilization will ultimately fail in the end.
Only gid has given u a heart of gold. Thank you so much for helping our American people. We are often forgotten about. Especially the people who are struggling to survive. Many you receive a hundred folds for your good deex. God bless you.
Rick you are awesome! This world needs more “Rick Steves” in it. I enjoy your travels through Europe ( many times I find myself saying ” I have been there”). Keep on traveling and may God bless you and your caring heart!
Good Homes Design needs to learn how to write an appropriate headline:
Rick Steves Gives $4 Million Dollar Apartment Complex To Let Homeless Women And Their Children Live For Free
Thank you.
Rick thank you so much for this!
So glad there’s still good people in the world! And the best investment we can make is in people. It return can’t be measured.
You are a REAL superstar hero to your community! It’s a great gesture, and it just shows that you are one of many people who make a great difference in the world. May you be blessed by the universe in all of your everyday living. And thanks for your kindness.
We’ve used all your books for all over Europe and all the Scandinavian countries! We’ve always traveled on a budget and have used many of your recomendations! Loved most of the eateries and many great restaurants! Thanks for keeping ordinary US Citizens traveling and learning about the world!
Thank you especially for helping these women & children have a place to help their lives move upward! May the Lord bless you for your good deed!
God bless all of them and Rick. I enjoy watching his shows. Now, I will see him even as a more kind and humble person.
That is truly tremendous for R Steeves to do that.
Good will to travelers and travel destinations –
Good will to those in need; the gentleman has a tremendous amount of Good Will.
I live in a small town in texas and I’m a single mom of 3. And I’ve asked for help getting me and my kids a house and got nothing but judged.
Will he give ne mkney for a lawyer so i can buy my babies back from cps theyre holding them for ransom and trafficking beating and breaking them in the interim.
Can i have money for a lawyer to buy my babies back from cps? They are holding them for ransom and trafficking beating and breaking them in the interim.
Rick is a Lutheran, and as such, shows his faith by following the Gospel of Jesus Christ, sharing what he has with those less fortunate.
OMG! What a wonderful gift & a very kind & thoughtful man…if only there were more millionaire & billionaires out there in the universe like him. Most of them are getting richer by the world’s bad circumstances & pocketing the benefits. God will bless Steve many times over for his kind heart & thoughtfulness for his fellow wo/man. He is truly a great man!
I want to thank this nice man that let women and children stay in this apt building for free
How can I get more info have person in that exact situation,?
Really?!?!? This is what you have to say?!?
I am going to write the Walton Family, Wal-mart, they could buy so many and other people who have the money.
Going to write to all Multi=Millionaires and see who has a Heart!
Wow! This act of kindness speaks volumes about Steves If Steve’s would challenge every MultiMillionaire he knows to do the same apartment complex donations for 24 people. This could be a “win-Win” for all. MultiMillionaire would get a tax deduction while 24 homeless people X 10,000 MultiMillionaires would provide housing for over 240,000 HOMELESS PEOPLE!!! A Great 2021 SOLUTION FOR A GLOBAL PANDEMIC IMPACTING HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS HOMELESS PEOPLE. A MIRACLE INDEED! Comment by Elizabeth Stephsen.
See more at: http://goodshomedesign.com/man-gives-4-million-dollar-apartment-complex-to-let-homeless-women-and-their-children-live-for-free/?fbclid=IwAR2ICbF7byme5HoslaQ3DBxtS3Q4HRoJUCSQsGYuhGieX-2owcs0LeYVhOc
Thank you sir for giving back for second chances to young women who some made some mistakes and some had hard times I like what you said money can buy many things dose not mean you’re happy happiness come when you make others happy with the blessings GOD GAVE YOU AS JESUS CHRIST felt FEEDING the people on the mountain with two fish and five loaves with leftovers.
This is how money should be shared thanks so much for paying for the behavior of your Ancestors ignorance I love you for sharing with the children ! Peace and Love
Thank you for helping the women and the children be housed and complementary. God will bless you for sure. So many women raising children many are widows, I came very close to a time my life when they we had to move into a basic hotel even with friendsfor a time, intil finances were made to survive with the children . I’ve been there through it and I pray everyday to be blessed to help out this and if I win the lottery I would do that
My heart go out to MR.STEVE not to many rich would care about anyone but themselves,people r out here hurting i thank God i have never been homeless but i do no people who have,and it’s very hard this can happen to me or anyone just if there is someone u no try to help as much as u can,i understand covid 19 is out here but u can found other ways to help.thank you.
This gives me hope in mankind. Love Rick’s show.
God bless you and all that you do sir rick
I need a apartment for my 16 yr old daughter and me we have been living in a hotel for a yr and half
Just amazing and if more people had this spirit the world be an amazing place.
This is an awesome deed, it will not go unnoticed, God is smiling on you Mr. Steves, I am very dedicated to the homeless…God bless you more richly. One of my dreams is to open a family shelter in my community that will house homeless families and children. Well done Mr. Steves.
God bless you sir
thank you Steve you are the best God bless you with good health and happiness i watch you on your show often I love to explore new places.too.
Yes! Enlightened and the beauty of women and children is in fostering love the greatrst investment…healing lives for us all..What a smart beautiful journey Rick shares with us…think of all the lives he has changed..God has blessed us by his example. -Patti E
I’ve taken 8 of Rick’s tours and have been to his business twice, will definitely go on more to support this caring and giving man.