New Grain Bin Homes are weather, termite, and fire proof.

Watch a video where Sukup safety director Brett Nelson give a brief overview of the Sukup SafeT Home.


In 2016, Hurricane Matthew devastated Haiti with winds in excess of 145 mph and all 200 of the homes prevailed with just minor damage. In contrast, the vast majority of traditional homes in the area were destroyed.

With 18′ diameter and 254 square feet in surface, the silo homes have 16 gauge perforated mesh screens. Lofts also come standard in every Safe T Home to provide additional room. Multiple units can be grouped together to create multi-room structures.


© Sukup

The Sukup Safe T Home is equipped with an interior loft. The loft adds 50% more square footage to the entire Safe T Home and can hold up to 1,200 lbs. evenly distributed. Space between the base angle and loft bottom measures 7′ (84″). The loft is easy to install with no holes to drill.

More details here…

47 Responses to “New Grain Bin Homes are weather, termite, and fire proof.”

  1. Cherri says:

    What is the price of these units? Would there be any discount if mltiple units were purchased? Could they be sent to Haiti?
    Thank you!

  2. Elzie says:

    Could tge same design be used with fiberglass or other non-metal material to reduce heat gain?

  3. Rachel Neville says:

    Did any of these home get donated to Haiti?

  4. Ed Selden says:

    What about a lightning strike??? Would it be safe???

  5. Tony says:

    What a poor salesman!!! I could do a better job of selling this product than him. I’d have a ready sample with a concrete floor, screens on windows, and example of what it might look like finished.

  6. John Caglayan says:

    Interesting in pricing and delivery fees ??

  7. ken lockhart says:

    what’s the pricing? seems almost no vids or advertising ever include these details , that are more important than all the rest of the details

  8. Kim Wade says:

    I would like to get pricing on these and cost to deliver to Seligman, AZ? Any discounts for purchasing more than one? Thank you!

  9. Becky says:

    Am really interested in one of these homes

  10. Lynn says:

    Could 2 units be built next to each other with the panels on either side reversed to connect them? is the material the same on both sides? from above the total unit would look like a figure 8 but the center would be open to make one large unit. What is the price of a unit? do you give a discount for buying 2, 4, 6?

  11. Pam says:

    Ok it seems like they may be a bit pricey if no cost has been posted. But if like to know cost as well

  12. Sherry Levoy says:

    without air conditioning they would be awful

  13. Lisa says:

    Isn’t the galvanizing poisonous? There should be interior cover for the walls at least.

  14. Holly Farnsworth says:

    i would like prices please.

  15. David Loeper says:

    Please reply with pricing and attaching multiple units together

  16. Ryan says:

    Please send me all pricing info. Also do you ship to Canada?

  17. anne says:

    What about insulation..Must be very hot!!!

  18. Linda Brown says:

    Would be interested in the pricing and who assembles it? Would be great in Minnesota.

    Thanks so much.

  19. Darlene kane says:

    How much? Send brochure

  20. Julie says:

    What is the price for one of these

  21. Claire says:

    Please advise pricing for single unit and multiple units, not including shipping

  22. Tanya says:

    How much and do you have any set up on land to live in.

  23. Zack says:

    I’m building these

  24. Sheila Randall says:

    Interested in pricing and shipping details. Prescott, Arizona area.

  25. AD says:

    Would like more info. Do you have a website?

  26. Julian says:

    If you look at this site, there is a link to the companies page and they have a link to dealers.

  27. Beverly Marek says:

    I would like a catalog
    On Grain Bin homes!

  28. Mark WETZEL says:

    What kind of prices

  29. Wayne chenevert says:

    Are they available in Florida . How do I get prices ?

  30. Mary says:

    Interested in $ & shipping cost. Thank u!

  31. Alison Gordon says:

    I am very interested in these building, as I’m currently looking to build in the Gambia, how much are they and do you deliver to the Gambia

  32. Renée Jackson says:

    Do you have any dealers, in Texas?

  33. Tony gonzalez says:

    This houses are too hot or too cold…for less money I can build a fire proof house.. Termite. Water. Earthquake proof homes….. With F80 insulation…….

  34. Marlene Stewart says:

    What is price of these homes?

  35. Lucinda Ridgway says:

    How can I get a hold of one from Canada?

  36. Lucinda says:

    How can I get a hold of one from Canada?

  37. Brenda Bilderback says:

    I would like more information on these Safe T Homes. I would like a pricing list and if I was to purchase more than one would there be special deals? Do you have photos of a finished one? I would like to know these homes come from. Thank you


  38. Bill says:

    Please send me pricing and cost for shipping

  39. Susan says:

    What does something like this cost??

  40. Suzanne Catrysse says:

    I live in Alberta and would like information and pricing on all the unit models.

  41. Frik Steyn says:

    Price list please

  42. Catherine Vause says:

    Would like price need here in panama city florida to help victims of Hurricane Michael

  43. mandy says:

    yes i am also really interested. are they available to purchas in australua

  44. Mark Clipsham says:

    Brett Nelson helped the Sukups steal all this work of mine including the layout of the units – see my review on their google reviews – they can’t sue me to get it taken off or all their past history will become public – just type “litigation” after their company name. They have a very carefully crafted, positive public image and a hidden on-going criminal activity business model. Sukups couldn’t design or innovate their way out of a wet paper bag. The shame is the design was not finished being designed when I figured out who they were. Check out for the source and many more designs.

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