Newborn Goats in Sweaters


We need to start talking about baby goats wearing sweaters. We’ve seen dogs, cats, and even chickens in sweaters, but a newborn goat ?  “When the temp dropped below freezing on these kids’ first night we knew it was the perfect timing to pull out the amazing trio of sweaters which Stella, a farm follower from Tennessee sent us awhile back as a gift! They fit a Nigerian Dwarf newborn perfectly. So cozy and made of beautiful wool! It pretty much made my morning to see them out and about with GoGo in their amazing sweaters!” Learn more about this in the video below..

Could anything be cuter?

Photo credit–> Random Okie Farms

3 Responses to “Newborn Goats in Sweaters”

  1. Mollie Montes says:

    The sweaters are the best ever – Unless we are in the weather & have animals who may otherwise suffer in cold, who gives thought to sweaters? I have one sweater, one sherpa, one raincoat for my K-9 companion, which I rarely have to use living in a semi-tropical climate – I love goats & would love to be where they are allowed, not in the city limits–too much noise I guess–those sweaters look wonderfully warm, especially for the very young goats–thanks for sharing the lovely youngsters and their sweaters

  2. Sam says:

    Is there a pattern somewhere ?

  3. Sandy Fox Speiser says:

    Cute new alternative pet

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