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DIY Time Out Stool


Being a parent has some hard parts, as it’s not always fun and sunshine. There are moments in every parent’s life, when they have to deal with their kid’s nasty or aggressive behavior. Teaching them a lesson can be a hard task and every parent has a different approach in such a case. When words fail to work, a time-out stool can be a peaceful option to “punish” your children and give them time to reflect on their behavior. If you want to make such a stool Continue reading “DIY Time Out Stool” »

10 Amazing Crazy Cakes (No Eggs, Milk, Butter or Bowls)


We’ve found the most delicious recipes for those of you who have egg or dairy allergies. If cake or desserts usually provoke allergies for you, it is most probably because of ingredients, such as eggs or dairy. But what if you could eat as much cake as you want and feel great afterwards?  Discover 10 amazing crazy cakes provided by Sweet Little Bluebird…No Eggs, Milk, Butter, Bowls or Mixers! Super moist and delicious.  Continue reading “10 Amazing Crazy Cakes (No Eggs, Milk, Butter or Bowls)” »

DIY Tetris Shelves


This creative and colorful bookshelves project will remind you of childhood and simpler times. The nice part of the Tetris bookshelf is that you can customize every piece and create the shelves as big as you want, depending on your space and need for storage units. This piece will work exactly as a puzzle so it gives you plenty of creative freedom and you can organize it the way you want. If you live in a small apartment you should definitely build the Tetris shelves vertically. To make the shelves look more trendy, paint each block a different color and then Continue reading “DIY Tetris Shelves” »

DIY Wicking Bed Container Gardening


Water is an essential element of gardening, as it having great quality soil is not enough. But if you live in a very dry area or simply want to save some water when gardening, wicking bed containers are the answer for your troubles. A wicking bed implies a water reservoir at the bottom of the garden bed so plants can pull water from there. You can create a wicking bed container at home and spare some water this way. In the following link you will find Continue reading “DIY Wicking Bed Container Gardening” »

Savory Flower Bread Recipe


Baking something that suits the season can be a challenge. Especially if you don’t want a regular dish or dessert! You’re in luck, because that’s what this Flower Bread is all about! There are other recipes of the kind out there; you might have already seen and made bread, either braided or twisted, with all kind of stuffing. But this one is different. What you see in the pictures is a version of Hungargian Kalács, which is Continue reading “Savory Flower Bread Recipe” »

Backyard Chickens: How to Design Your Chicken Run


Raising chickens can be extremely beneficial for a family or a person. But before you can yield the produce (eggs and meat), you must invest. Taking care of your chickens entails offering them the best quality living space just as much as providing with food every day. There are a lot of information about the site, the size, storage space and sturdiness you will need to know before going into your own DIY chicken coop building project. Continue reading “Backyard Chickens: How to Design Your Chicken Run” »

Learn How You Can Grow Your Own Apple Trees From Seeds


How would you like to grow your very own apple tree and have fresh apples whenever you want to? You can do this with the help of apple seeds and some helpful tips and tricks. But first, there are some important materials you need to have, such as: an apple, compost, pots, paper towel, plastic bag and a knife. Start by cutting the apple in half and get out the seeds. You should use more than one apple’s seeds to make sure the project will be successful. The next step will be the germination of the seeds, which is the hard part. Wrap the seeds in a paper towel, wet it and place in a plastic bag. Continue reading “Learn How You Can Grow Your Own Apple Trees From Seeds” »

An Easy Guide To Building Raised Gardening Beds


Raised beds are becoming a real trend in gardening, but not everyone knows what raised beds are. Here are some extra information that will make this whole concept a lot more clear for you and will help you decide if raised beds are what you are looking for or not. Using raised beds is ideal for those who would like to get into gardening but the quality of their soil is not great. By opting for a raised bed, Continue reading “An Easy Guide To Building Raised Gardening Beds” »

Thinking Wood Oak House


Initially for a child’s playhouse, this project has grown arms and legs. The specification has been raised at each stage, and now the frame is entirely waney-edged timber that is scribed to fit. All the windows have been purpose made, and the floor will be sunken to give more headroom for adults. Continue reading “Thinking Wood Oak House” »

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