Want to make an easy and inexpensive improvement to your porch? Well, with a brush and some paint, you definitely can achieve that! The following DIY project is so simple it will make you ask yourself why didn’t you try it before? Making a porch rug using paint is both creative and effective because you have the aesthetic impact with a small investment (both in terms of time and money). This is such a neat project for any art enthusiast and paint amateur out there. It’s also very useful because when you want to have a different look, you just paint a new rug! Brag about your work to people coming by. Share the secret behind this home improvement to your colleagues and friends.
A faux rug painted on wooden porch in bright colors, via Flickr.
An area rug effect in a wood patio painted in a blue and white Moroccan style stencil, as a DIY project by Selena and Alun Urquhart, with beautiful photos by La Maison Boheme.