Paleo Banana & Almond Butter Ice Cream


Everybody knows the most sought after dessert during warm summer days is a delicious ice-cream. Don’t worry though, you don’t have to save a lot of money in preparation for this. Why, you ask? Because we are sharing this simple tutorial on how to make a DIY banana almond butter ice cream. Make sure you read the instructions all the way to the end and just then get to work. Grab the following ingredients:

• five bananas (sliced in 2-inch pieces);
• a teaspoon of vanilla extract;
• a pinch of salt;
• three tbsp of almond butter;
• some additional chopped nuts, pretzels and chocolate chips;

Banana-Almond-Butter-Ice-Cream-2 photo: One Ingredient Chef

Making this type of dessert is quick and easy. Begin with blending all of the banans until they become creamy. Pour all of the ingredients except the additions into the blender and mix them together. If you want additional ingredients, make sure they are nicely chopped and stir them in with your hands and fingers. Empty the bowl you were using to blend into a lid container. Place it in the freezer for at least half a day or overnight. Defrost for a couple of minutes before serving. Enjoy your summer!

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