Share if You Think Every School Should Have a Year-Round Gardening Program!

“Growing School Gardens In Winter.. a project from Pikeville Elementary School (PES) in the Kentucky mountains. The amazing teacher behind this school garden, Mrs. Traci Tackett, attended one of my winter gardening workshops in the summer of 2013”…

Growing-School-Gardens Sampling a January 13th harvest from the Rainbow Kale bed.



Growing-School-Gardens-3 Mrs. Tackett instructing students in the school garden.

Growing-School-Gardens-4 A sample raised bed plan that I designed for the school. Themed gardens are so much fun!

10 Reasons to Grow a School Garden in Winter…


Check out all 10 reasons, here…

19 Responses to “Share if You Think Every School Should Have a Year-Round Gardening Program!”

  1. Connie Dodge says:

    We make & sell greenhouse benders and greenhouse fittings.
    Several sizes of both available at

  2. Thomas Mendez says:

    Go to and like our page. We are creating a community garden to help encourage young students to grow their own crops.

  3. Rowena says:

    The garden idea is really nuce

  4. Ebrima Keita says:

    Gardening is very good

  5. Kaisa says:

    Flowering gardeng

  6. Dianne Morrison says:

    A well-rounded education! 🙂

  7. Isabel says:

    For more green areas!

  8. Irene says:

    I think this idea has merit. Many schools have programs while other schools would be struggling for facilities, equipment, expertise, soil and water.
    An initiative that made it possible for “EVERY SCHOOL” to implement would be a positive consideration.

  9. Nancy says:

    I tried to start one in Geand Junction and was shot down. So much good learning could help a variety of students learn crossover skills that relate to real life.

  10. Marlene Leger says:

    I think is a good idea, but it should all the way to high school

  11. Ronald Kamoga says:

    Well done to the school for the garden initiative.

  12. Alan Wern says:

    A ‘gardening programme’ is great, as long as they first learn the difference between ‘program’ (computer) and programme (a syllabus, etc).

  13. Alan Wern says:

    Should you do this in correct english?
    A ‘gardening programme’ is great, as long as they first learn the difference between ‘program’ (computer) and programme (a syllabus, etc).

    Bet you don;t publish this…. Alan

  14. David Adam says:

    Not less than 75 years ago my mother’s cousin who was a salesman instilled in me a love of gardening and growing things that has never left me. Am so pleased to see schools managing to fit in gardening skills today. Start them early and it will stick for life.

  15. Bilal says:

    Great idea

  16. Rima Maalouf says:

    Excellent idea. We should implement in our schools in Lebanon.

  17. David O'Neill says:

    Having taught gardening at a High School in the West Yorkshire Pennines I cansay that if the students get as much enjoyment from this activity it will stand them in good steadin later life!!!

  18. Sujaya Nyoman says:

    Organic garden is my favorit.We plants casava .peanut and manggo in my village bali Indonesia.
    And I want learn more about gardening in hot fields.

  19. Pillay Jessica says:

    Love ideas on Gardening

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