The Smallest House : 1 Square Meter [photos and video]

What are the limits of architecture? Those same limits that define the home, which, as the world’s smallest house proves, need not be greater than one square meter. Designed by Van Bo Le-Metnzel, a native of Laos and one time refugee, the “One-Square-Meter House” was inspired by his personal history and those experiences that led him to explore the architecture of home. The house is easy to assemble and can be fabricated using everyday materials from the local hardware store. Yet despite its humble stature and simple fame, the structure is surprisingly flexible: when positioned upright, there is sufficient room for the (sole) user to stand or sit at a desk to read or stare out into the landscape beyond. Tilted on its side, the house becomes a sleeping capsule, with the inside face of the tiny gable folding up to support the user’s reclined body.


  • that is not a house. A house is somewhere you could live. you cant shower or use a toilet here. you can not entertain people or do more than be a caged animal. it is a room at best. who , in their right mind would choose to live in such a box? no one such as me with claustrophobia, I can tell you that.

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