Stupid-Easy Portable Solar Panels for RV, Off Grid and Camping


Are you often going in adventures? Do you like to get in touch with nature but still keep contact with technology? If you are thinking about just charging the RV battery and a few electronics, these next portable solar panels will do a great job. It helps to watch the video, especially if you don’t know what solar potential you actually have and what your power needs are. Now, for daily and long-term uses this is what most larger types of solar power systems are designed for and are 24 volts minimum. The 120 watt portable solar kit will do the job you need it to do just fine. Even though it looks too small to achieve that! Watch the video below provided by Jesse…



Buy kit best price:  Portable Folding Solar Kit
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via Pure Living For Life

1 Comment

  • Thomas Franklin on said:

    Using solar cooking while on the trail is a godsend for hikers and campers as well. It lightens their load and provides a way to purify water. make hot coffee, and cook a hot meal, etc. It also doesn’t require gathering wood or other fire making materials while away from the main campsite or RV. You can see a couple of solar cooking options available on my site at

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