Whether you’re a fan of apocalypse themed movies or not you are surely worried about natural disasters that can occur at any time. A natural disaster, such as hurricanes or earthquakes, are more likely to happen, than a zombie apocalypse, but still it is essential to be prepared for either of these. This means, you need to learn some basic surviving skills, many of you who used to be scouts, already know them. But what about the food? How can you make sure, that in case of a calamity you will be well prepared at this matter? Well, here’s a cool and useful video that will teach you about creating survival food that can last up to 150 years just the way it is. The recipe is called Hardtack and it can be an essential food for your survival. Watch the video and see for yourself how useful this recipe can be.
It says to watch the video. What video? No links, dudes!
The link is kind of hiding. The word VIDEO has a little arrow pointing to the right. That’s where you click, and the video comes up.
ummm… what video guys?
Recipes can be found on Youtube as well.
The link is found between the ads underneath
This Web page really sucks. You can’t create a webpage that people can’t navigate and then tell them in the comments section what to do! As a DIY:er, it’s annoying, time and time again, to click on links to interseting articles and just not get the meat. As a usability professional, it’s flat out painful to see this lack of interest in users.
if you are not intelligent enough to find the link that has an Arrow Pointing it Out, You are not intelligent enough to survive any kind of emergency so don’t get mad at the author for your personal stupidity!
Dingus, spot on. Thank you for my chuckle this morning. Completely agree that if someone is too stupid to figure out where to find things, they are not intelligent enough to survive any kind of emergency. Have a great day.
BTW, to the others that said they couldn’t find the link…please make an appointment to have your vision checked right away. I had no problems finding the information I needed from this page.
This site design is really quite bad…and is tantamount to a “bait and switch” click grabber. I don’t understand your motivation for deliberately making your site hard to navigate. All the elements on your page are vying against each other. The irony is that your site is about design.
watch this video of how food last for 150 years but they havent came out with video yet. lol lol’ .
That’s because nobody will eat it.
Basically it’s your average hardtack recipe. But doesn’t look as well-made I recommend googling some hardtack recipes online
The video link is so plainly visible that it jumps out at you. It’s even in bold type! Also, this is great information to have.
Look Mr. Frodo more..lambus bread…..
For those of you who fell for the clickbait and don’t want to watch 7 minutes of video that could have been condensed to 30 seconds (or one line of text)
The “superfood” is hardtack. Many recipes all over the internet, don’t waste your time on a clickbait video.
No, it’s not a superfood.
Where can you purchase the foil sealable pkgs ?
If you cannot find the video, you won’t survive the apocalypse. Hahaha!