How To Build a Floating Duck House
If you have free space in your garden and a small pond, you should consider building a cute duck house. Duck houses are fun and easy to build, so why not change a bit the look of your garden by giving it an upgrade. The most important aspect is choosing your material for the duck ...

A Duck House
Chicken coops are common on the homestead websites. But duck houses are an equally necessary thing for people who have this activity of raising ducks. So if you want your little ones to grow up safe and not get into fights with the chickens with which they can share the same yard, ...

DIY Cable Spool Duck House
Having used materials in your yard can be a blessing in disguise. What some may view as a burden on organizing the space or another object of clutter can be used in so many creative ways. The one we suggest today can benefit your ducks, if you have any, of course. Transforming a cable ...