12 YEARS Living Off-Grid on a Sustainable Homestead in a Self-Built Cob Home
Bryce and Misty have spent the last 12 years building a cob home, homesteading, living off the grid, and homeschooling their two daughters. They live without a car, so for transportation, they use taxis and bicycles, and they eventually hope to have a cart that their two

True Off-Grid Homesteading in A Pioneer Style Cabin
Doug and Stacy are living the pioneer lifestyle in the 21st century! Living in a beautifully constructed DIY pioneer style cabin and homesteading their land in Missouri, this adventurous couple have left behind the trappings of the modern world.

How To Build A 14×14 Solar Cabin For Under $2000
Off-the-grid living is gaining more and more adepts, who find sometimes easy but other times creative ways of living a sustainable life and producing the energy they need for they home on their own. One of the most wide-known ways you can do this is by installing solar panels that ...