This Antique Cabinet Is Over 200 Years Old


Antique furniture has a very special feel as it encapsulates decades of history in one place. It doesn’t matter if you’re an antique furniture lover or not, you can’t deny the value and beauty of these pieces. That’s we were very impressed about this next piece, which is more than 200 years old and it’s a stunning cabinet with a lot of history. It used to belong to King Frederick William II and nowadays it’s exposed at The Metropolitan Museum of Art. The most astonishing fact about this piece is that it’s completely hand crafted, being a notable and exquisite example of European furniture design and craftsmanship. To learn more about it and see what it really hides inside, watch the video from the following link and prepare to be mesmerized.



“Perhaps the most exquisite and technically refined piece from German cabinetmaker Abraham Roentgen (1711–1793)”


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