Extend Your Garden’s Growing Season: DIY Mini-greenhouse
Would you like to have fresh vegetables all year round and not be conditioned by seasons or weather? Then you should build your own mini greenhouse and grow the healthiest vegetables you can. Building a small greenhouse is very easy and it won’t occupy a lot of space. You can ...
Now You Can Build Your Own Personal Retreat for Just $6,000
Do you like spending your weekends or holidays in a log cabin, surrounded by nature? Well, now you can have that any time, regardless of booking costs or availability. The personal log retreat you see in the pictures can be yours for just $6,000! It may sound like an incredible deal, ...
Solar-powered Expandable Eco Dwellings: The Homes Of The Future
Can you imagine an innovative mobile dwelling which can literally unpack itself in a few moments? Thanks to the Australian enterprise Prodengin, this idea is reality and it has a modern design as well. The self-sustaining solar powered home you can see in the images is called SEED ...
20+ Easy and Effective DIY Tricks for Gardening
As soon as spring came you probably realized that your garden requires some attention. We want to share a few tricks to help you grow your own healthy and interesting looking vegetables. Here are a few DIY tricks that can help you have a beautiful garden: If you don’t like how ...
DIY Bottle Tower Garden
A vertical planter could be a great choice for those who want a garden, but just don’t have a lot of space. Vertical planters occupy less space than other types of planters and you can install such a planter even in the balcony of an apartment. So if you want to have your own ...
Earthbag Homes: Cheap and Easy to Build!
Earthbags are not the most modern construction method, but it has been proven to be amongst the most efficient. Both in terms of environmental impact and costs! Even though they seem like fragile structures, they have been used for long by the military as temporary solutions. You ...
How To Fix Wall Cracks
It is so great to be able to fix things around your house. Whether you do this with the help of DIY tutorials or you’re just naturally handy, the satisfaction you get from solving a problem by yourself is priceless. If you follow this next tutorial, you can add a new skill to ...
How To Turn Mini Blinds Into Pretty Roman Shades
If you want to make a big change in your room with only a few dollars, then you should focus on your window blinds. Having some plain and white blinds can look quite dull, but with this cool trick you can upgrade them to a whole new level. Investing in new blinds
Tesla Model H announced: a plug-in hybrid mobile home that is both cozy and luxurious
Usually, beautifully designed products are quite expensive, and the ones produced by Tesla brand perfectly fit that description. Elon Musk figured out that people are so impressed by the Tesla electric cars that they will make many sacrifices in order to be able to afford one. Recently, ...