10 Home Design Ideas Inspired by Colored Pencils
Do you prefer colorful decorations in your home? Then there is a really cool and cheap method of creating a colorful living environment, namely colored pencils. You surely remember these long forgotten items from your childhood and maybe you can even find some remains in a drawer. ...

Plastic Bottle Cutter: Reuse And Recycle Plastic Bottles Of All Kinds
I found this concept device on Kickstarter and I thought it useful to share with you. The absolutely astonishing amount of plastic bottles that everyone uses and throws into the garbage can every day is truly impressive. This represents an economic waste, since the plastic of bottles ...

Kerawinds Log Cabin for $29,900
A tiny log cabin can be the perfect start for a young couple, who wish to have its own place without having to borrow money to afford it. Besides, the bigger one house is the more it costs to maintain it and the more power it consumes. So staying small and eco-friendly is a nice way ...

Outdoorsman Log Cabin for $25,900
Sometimes the lack of size in a space is not that disturbing, as everything depends on how the space is divided. If you’re looking to buy a log cabin, but don’t want to spend all your life savings on it, choose one that is smaller and cheaper. Such as this next cabin, ...

How To Lock A Door By Modifying A Dinner Fork. Try This Hack!
Have you experienced some problems with your door lock, or just want to make sure you are completely secure? Then you can make a super safe, home made door lock, that will prevent anyone from entering your home. Unless you open them the door yourself. You can make this door lock from ...

Solar-Powered Outdoor Mattress Charges Your Phone and Chills Your Beverages
Have you ever dreamt about going to the beach and not having to worry about your phone losing power and your beverages getting warm? The Beachill Mattress is the ultimate solution! A student from Lebanon might have solved a long time riddle of every beach goer. His design of a waterproof ...

How To Un-Shrink Your Clothes
Sometimes when you wash your clothes, these can shrink and become unwearable. This can happen especially in case of cotton items, if they are washed in hot water and dried afterwards. In many cases, the only remaining option is to either throw these out or give them to a child. But ...

12 DIY Compost Bin Ideas
If you want to make your own compost at home, you should set up the right environment for this. The compost you make will be an organic fertilizer for your soils and it is the best way to make sure that no chemicals will affect your produce. The best way to store your own compost ...

How To Build Garden Grow Boxes
Have you thought about using containers as planters and make your own garden? Then you should gather some information about this method before staring, to make sure it is suitable for you. Garden grow boxes are containers in which you can plant anything you would like to grow in your ...