Dead Baby Turtle Found With 104 Pieces of Plastic in Stomach

Making our oceans plastic-free is one of the biggest challenges humanity is facing when it comes to environmental issues. The pollution levels in oceans have reached a high level of concern and affect sea life and its creatures in unprecedented ways. Cases in which sea creatures end ...

The Artwork Of Bees Can Be Absolutely Stunning

The importance of bees in our eco-system in undeniable and the bee population needs to be protected, as a substantial decline in numbers would be devastating for our planet. But did you know that bees are also tiny artists? This particular heart-shaped honeycomb was constructed by ...

Veterinarian Has A ‘Comfort Dog’ That Assists Sick, Scared Pets

Having a pet is such an amazing thing, as the connection between the owner and his/her pet is hard to describe and even harder to understand for someone who never had a pet before. When your pet gets sick and must be taken to the vet, there is that feeling of failure and helplessness, ...

Hippie Van Is Back, And It’s Electric

Volkswagen’s iconic hippie van is getting an eco-friendly make-over and will be re-released in 2022 as an electric car. All around the world, modern hippies and not only rejoiced at this news which seemed to only be a rumor in 2017 at the Detroit Auto Show. But now, it all became ...

Innovative Orange Juicer 3D Prints Bioplastic Cups Out Of Leftover Orange Peels

Who doesn’t love a glass of freshly-squeezed orange juice? The design firm Carlo Ratti Associati, thought about taking the orange juicer to a next level and created this amazing machine that transforms the leftover peels into cups. How does the machine work exactly? It used 3D print ...

This Transparent Jigsaw Puzzle Has to Be Some Sort of Cruel Joke, Right?

If you’re looking for a real challenge, then this jigsaw puzzle will surely please you. Puzzles are tricky by definition, but what about a jigsaw puzzle that consists entirely of transparent pieces? Since time is not an issue in these days of isolation, investing in a puzzle that ...

How to Make a FACE MASK out of a BRA

So, this is NOT an N95 Respirators and Surgical Masks (Face Masks)… Protective masks are a luxury item these days and lots of online shops take advantage of buyers by selling them overpriced. To avoid being tricked by scammers, you should try and make a mask at home, as there ...

70,000 Endangered Sea Turtles Lay Eggs on Empty Beaches During Quarantine

This period of lockdown came with lots of pleasant surprises when it comes to its effect on animals and the environment. In many places around the world, animals are taking back the cities and wandering on the street and nature can breathe more easily since traffic has stopped.

Now THAT’S a storage hack! Clever Parents Build Bookcase With Only Boxes

There are people with an eye for DIY and then those who take the entire thing to the next level. These are trying times and finding ways to keep your child occupied can be very hard. One great way to help your child go through isolation more easily is to encourage him or her to read ...
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