Lessons from Finland: helping homeless people starts with giving them homes

Finland is among the most successful and prosperous Nordic countries and ending homelessness has always been on their political agenda. It seems that since the 1980s the rates have been constantly going down thanks to the country’s smart policies. Homelessness is a pressing issue ...

How to Make Succulent Cupcakes

Succulents are among the cutest and delicate plants one can have in our home. Most of them have colorful flowers which will make every room look brighter and more cheerful. If succulents are among your favorite plants, you are really going to love these beautiful cupcakes. They are ...

Monument of Native American Hero “Crazy Horse” Slowly Taking Shape in South Dakota

Have you heard about the Crazy Horse sculpture in South Dakota? It is a monument, that once completed, should be larger than Mount Rushmore and is being constructed without any governmental funding. The sculpture is located 17 miles from Mount Rushmore and it is a monument dedicated ...

Study: Elderberry Cuts Duration of Colds and Flu in Half

Elderberries have been long known for their health benefits, but new studies show that they might be more efficient than we knew before. According to new research, elderberry syrup can do miracles when it comes to treating colds and flu and can help you feel much better in just 2 ...

Chocolate Strawberry Owls

Strawberries and chocolate are a killer combo! Even if it’s not strawberry season yet, you can still find some at your local supermarket to make this next tasty and cute dessert. The tiny strawberry owls are so easy to make, and they can be the perfect afternoon snack. And since ...

How to Make Homemade Disinfecting Wipes

Stores are sold out of clorox and lysol wipes everywhere right now. So I thought i’d share a homemade DIY disinfecting recipe that you can use for the time being.In this video i will be showing you a very easy way to make disinfectant wipes at home! Make sure to use a good quality ...

Waiting hours under tropical rain, I got this Golden-tailed Sapphire singing on a perch!

“Waiting hours under tropical rain, I got this Golden-tailed Sapphire singing on a perch!” Location: Wildsumaco, Ecuador

Supermarket In Denmark Comes Up With A Brilliant Pricing Trick To Stop Hand Sanitizer Hoarding

While the whole Internet is laughing and creating memes about people hoarding toilet paper from supermarkets all over the world, there are a couple of other things particularly hard to buy these days. Masks and respirators and single-use medicinal gloves are among them but let’s ...

For social distancing reasons I will henceforth be wearing hoop skirtspic

The History of Crinoline – the Victorian fashion garment that kept the hoop skirts
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