How To Make A Rocket Stove Made From a Five Gallon Metal Bucket
If you have a garden, but are still missing a barbecuing space making a rocket stove would be a nice option. Rocket stoves are very easy to build and they will last a long period of time. Besides, they run n twigs, so you will be saving a lot of trees this way as you won’t have ...

How To Split A Bottle
What makes Coca Cola famous, besides its secret ingredients, is the one of a kind bottle that is recognized by anyone around the world. The iconic Coca Cola bottles had many special editions over the years, always coming back to the classic shape that everyone loves. If you have a ...

DIY: How to Repurpose Old Leggings
This super easy fashionable top can be done by anyone at home, you just have to own a pair of leggings. As leggings are starting to go out of style these days, you can easily transform them in a cool top that is trendy and awesome. It will be the perfect top for a summer festival ...

Turn one of Daddy’s Shirts Into A Dress For A Little Girl
In many cases a shirt can be more than just a shirt, as you can transform it into something new. For example, you can use an old dad shirt to make a beautiful dress for your little girl in a few minutes. This one is a very simple project and you can make it even if you are a beginner ...

How To Make: Healthy Dehydrated Fruits
Dried fruit is a healthy option for those who like sweets and want to avoid all that refined sugar from candies and chocolate. Surely, fruits contain sugar too, but they are not that harmful as the sugar from store-bought sweets. Also dried fruit that you can buy from a store can ...

DIY Cedar Play Teepee
If you want to surprise your children with a new toy, building an outdoor playhouse would be a nice idea. As summer is approaching your children will start spending more and more time outside, so why not have their own special place where they can play and also enjoy a nice summer ...

DIY Chandelier Planter Tutorial
This next project has a very summerish feel and it will bring a beautiful new perspective in your home. Chandeliers are an essential piece of decoration in every home and their beauty is also paired with utility. If you want to have a really unique piece of decoration for your porch ...

Pedal-Powered Washer Needs No Electricity
We live in an era in which sustainable living is becoming harder. Since we have so many products accessible to us and we are so dependent on energy and power resources that a sustainable way of life tends to look scary and threatening. But choosing the eco-friendly way doesn’t ...

10 DIY Things To Do With A Cardboard Box
A child’s favorite activity is playing and no parent can deny this. Toys these days are more sophisticated than it used to be, as children are developing at a faster pace so toy designers need to keep them constantly interested. But have you ever tried making a toy for your ...