7 Unsuspected Uses For Salt That You Should Know
Salt is such a key ingredient when cooking. It can instantly change the taste of the food and depending on the amount of salt it can make it better or worse. But salt can be used for many other things in your household, than just seasoning your food. Table salt has 7 other practical ...

A Solar-Powered E-Bike
Have you ever heard about a solar bike? A creative engineer from Copenhagen, named Jesper Frausig, thought about this idea and designed an amazing solar-powered bike. He came up with this idea in order to give people an alternative for the electric bikes, which can take a lot of time ...

How To Build A Tumbling Composter
Taking care of your plants is a lot of work. You will not succeed in having a great garden unless you invest time and a bit of effort in it. Of course, help is not something to kick aside, so every opportunity should be grabbed! A source of fertile soil and nutrition for your beloved ...

15 Insanely Clever Ways To Repurpose Baby Cribs
Thinking outside the box is an attribute of creative minds and that’s exactly what you should be when considering options regarding baby cribs that passed their usage date. When your little one begins requiring his or her own room, the baby crib can be put to proper utility and ...

GoSun Stove: Portable Solar Cooker (Without Electricity)
Solar cooking is a cool alternative to electrical cooking and a more environmentally friendly one too. Of course, this type of cooking is conditioned by the weather, but with the help of this awesome gadget called GoSun stove you can cook any meal you want in less than 20 minutes. ...

Easy DIY: Trash Bags on a Roll
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There are so many tips and tricks that can make your life easier. The best part of these tricks is that most of them are inexpensive, but their utility will be truly priceless. Such is this next trash bag trick that ...

How to Make Homemade Peanut Butter in 5 Minutes
Peanut butter is one of the greatest inventions ever. Also, did you know that it is a great survival food and one you should always have in your home or when you go camping, in case of emergency? So how would you like to know how you can make your own peanut butter at home in no more ...

18 Inexpensive DIY Gift Ideas For Anyone To Do
Birthdays are always fun and it is a nice occasion to get together with people and celebrate someone you care deeply about. But birthdays also mean presents and in times when you are broke or have spent all your economies, buying a gift can cause you some unpleasant moments. But not ...

10 Amazing Crazy Cakes (No Eggs, Milk, Butter or Bowls)
We’ve found the most delicious recipes for those of you who have egg or dairy allergies. If cake or desserts usually provoke allergies for you, it is most probably because of ingredients, such as eggs or dairy. But what if you could eat as much cake as you want and feel great ...