DIY Piggy Banks
It’s not an original idea to use plastic bottles for all sort of DIY projects, but it remains among the most creative ways of making a unique thing. Recyclables materials are often used in this domain because they are cheap (even free!) and usually easy to handle. If you want a ...

Delicious S’more Cups
As cupcakes become more popular, it is a challenge to come up with new and exciting new recipes. A delicious type of cupcake, that involves marshmallows and sweet chocolate, will let everybody drooling. Even before they taste it, people will stare with a mouth-watering feeling at ...

DIY Stained Glass Candle Holder
In order to make this next awesome candle holder you will need the following materials: glue which after drying turns transparent, a glass, candle, tissue, scissors and one brush. The first step is to take the tissue and cut small shapes out of it that look like flowers. Then take ...

Colorful Yo-Yo Pillow
We are going to show you today how to make some cute and colorful fabric yo-yo’s which then you can apply on a pillow. Yo-yo’s have been very popular in the 1920’s when they had a more classic look, but we found this great DIY project which takes them to a next level and helps ...

DIY String-Ball Chandelier
You can make a lot of great things out of strings as it is a cheap material and there are a lot of nice DIY projects on the internet based on it. This next project also uses strings and the outcome of it is quite spectacular. You will learn how to make a string-ball cahndelier that ...

Delicious Caramel Apples
Caramel is one of the most delicious things in the world and when you pair it with something healthy such as apples the combination becomes irresistible. This next delicious caramel apple recipe can be made quickly and tastes like heaven. You will only need:

How To Make Despicable Me Minion Cake
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This next recipe is delicious and when you will be quite surprised about it’s shape. It is a cake that looks just like a Minion from the animation Despicable Me. So if you are getting ready for your kids birthday, then ...

Cute Yammy Sticker
We just love wall stickers. They can be applied quickly and can change the whole outlook of the room. Sometimes if you have a simple and minimalistic room, a wall decoration can really make a visible change. They come in different shapes and colors, the variety of them makes it quite ...

DIY Yarn Wrapped Letters
We found a sweet tutorial and we’d really like to share it with you. If your room needs a bit of updating, then this tutorial is just what you need. You will learn how to make a monogrammed letter covered with yarn. You will need: 3 different shade of yarn (if you have a girly ...