Ingenious Storage Spaces For a Small Home
When you live in an apartment, the lack of storage space becomes a crucial issue. Nobody likes to live cramped, feel suffocated by the things around them and not to be able to relax in their own home. The good news is that there are solutions in any situation, not matter how critical ...

A Great Example For a Tiny and Cozy Home
Tiny houses are becoming more and more popular and they even tend to become a trend nowadays, especially in case of young couples who seem to opt for tiny houses instead of the traditional family homes. It is also the case of Erin and Dondi Harner from Colorado, who built themselves ...

Doll Houses From Plastic Containers
The next idea is a great DIY project in which you can reuse old packaging and create something cute together with your kids. It is great, as it is a project which is fun and creative at the same time. Here is what you’ll need for the project: 3 packs of cleaning supplies which ...

Pretty Rose Rolls
These pretty rolls are guaranteed to be very delicious, a they look so good. You only need to try them this weekend, and we promise that you will remain pleasantly surprised, because their taste is amazing.

DIY Project: Woven Coasters
As you already know, we just love DIY projects, and today we found a really great one: woven coasters. It is quite easy to make them and you’ll see that once you are done with the first one, the rest are becoming simpler and simpler. For this project you will need: string, yarn, ...

Create a Unique and Truly Memorable Space
Simes Studios is specialized in finding innovative ways to create a contemporary design. Through individual attention, they bring to life a client’s vision and customize each project to create a unique and truly memorable space. Located in an elegant, renovated stable in Bucktown ...

A Beautiful DIY With Plastic Bottles
I found an interesting DIY which uses plastic bottles, on Denise’s blog. Artist and presenter, Denise Meneghello is specialized in decorating, recycling, DIY and tips for good living. So… if the pieces of your make-up set or if other indispensible products need being stored, ...

Cabana with Sand Pit: Perfect Place to Play for Children’s
What you see here can be a perfect place for children to play. Besides, this Cabana can also be a great place for reading, having a nap, relaxing and enjoying the outdoors without getting exposure too much to sun during these hot summer days. Crafted in Austria, the solid pine cabana’s ...

Dream Chair for Backyard Lounging
Vivere Chair is the ultimate choice for backyard lounging. The chair is upholstered with PVC coated polyester. With more than 2-inch of foam fill, you’ll think you’re resting on a cloud! The attached foam pillow supports your head for an afternoon siesta. The built-in ...