DIY Breakfast Bread Bowls


You have to wake up early in the morning and somehow squeeze in a tasty breakfast? Are you also in a hurry and don’t feel like washing the dishes in your work clothes? We have just the thing for this situation. Presenting the creative way to make a delicious and nutritious breakfast – the bread bowl! The fun fact with this type of meal is that it goes greatly with any ingredient whatsoever. Break a couple of eggs, chop some ham, add some vegetables and sprinkle cheese in the round shape bread you empty beforehand, leaving only a crust (not too thin though) to work with. Place it in the oven while you take a refreshing shower and your breakfast will be ready for your big appetite. Make a few of these breads for the entire family and rest assured you can use the time you gain this way for other more productive things. Read the necessary steps carefully (in the link below) and go through the entire tutorial before making this breakfast recipe a daily habit. And don’t forget to enjoy the rest of your day!


Breakfast Bread Bowls Ingredients & Instructions

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