Space Saving with StudyBed

Here is a great all-in-one piece of furniture, bed and desk, which is great if your are going away to college and are in search for your own place. This furniture offers the comfort of a bed when open and when you close it, it is transformed into a study desk. It is very clever as ...

High Heeled Stiletto Shoe Chair

If you want a piece of furniture that is stylish and will also change the entire look of your room, than this stiletto chair is exactly what you need. It comes in several colors and prints and will surely give your room a makeover, creating a unique atmosphere. You can choose from ...

Classic Beach Chair

This rugged and rock-solid model with soft curved shapes has its origin in the Baltic Sea. Is an elegant piece of furniture and you can choose from a huge range of colors . For a SonnenPartner Chair the beach is the ideal place for it. Here you will find peace, relaxation and the ...

Interior Design for Small Apartment with Many Beds in Menuires Ski Resort, France

  Designers from h2o Architects have recently finished designing the interior of a modern apartment in the ski resort town of Menuires, France. The basic idea and main requirement was to increase the living-room surface without modifying any of the structural or supporting elements, ...

Stylish Coffee Table – Origami

Origami, the Japanese art of paper folding, has a principle that attracts the attention of construction and home furniture engineers. Martin Pinotak is a great example of furniture designer who found space in this Origami table for all his diversified experience in interior design, ...

A Few Of My Favourite Things by The Fundamental Shop

Wouldn’t it be great to have an original shelving unit that makes up for a stunning wall accessory or a beautiful piece of furniture? According to the designers at The Fundamental Shop, “A Few Of My Favourite Things is a desktop console or a wall shelf where you can place ...

Modern Sofa with Dog House Attached

Everywhere are a lot of puppy fans. Everyday we see a lot of pictures with cute puppy shared anywhere and anytime on internet. A new piece of furniture is always a reason of happiness for your pets. Now I would like to show you a Dog House Sofa designed by the Korean Seungji Mun, ...

Folding Dining Table by Porada

The Folding Dining Table is a really interesting piece of furniture made by Italian company Porada. With a unique style and good taste this piece of furniture could very well to fits our needs when we have a smaller space. So, this furniture ...

The Concerto Table: Flavor For Piano Lovers

This next piece of furniture is of course for classic lovers, especially for those who want to transform the experience of the modern dinner party by combining the use of a dining table with the elegant curvature of a grand piano. The Concerto Table allows you to enjoy the shape of ...
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