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Amazing Camping Trailer




Camping is such a fun activity and can reenact some sweet childhood memories. If sleeping in a tent is not your favorite camping activity, you should invest in a trailer that can offer you more comfort. But if you want to have a very modern and cozy experience you should buy the Markies camper, where you will feel just like at home. The sides of the camper can be collapsed, so you can feel good Continue reading “Amazing Camping Trailer” »

Nomad Collapsible Hot Tub


Wouldn’t it be nice to go in the middle of nature yet still maintain some of the comfortable life from indoor? Now you can partially do so right from a duffel bag! Yes, it is that simple with The Original Nomad. Even though the name might be too adventurous for some, the applications are quite regular. You can install it in the back yard when the kids want to have some play time around the water. Also, any trip won’t be a compromise to comfort anymore with this handy device. The lots of uses for the tub and Continue reading “Nomad Collapsible Hot Tub” »

10 Simple Tips for a Successful Vegetable Garden


Usually chemical free vegetables and organic products are expensive, so when going to the market many of us avoid buying them because of their price. So as you can see, having a healthy life style and diet has its own costs, but this doesn’t mean you should give up on the idea. Instead of buying organic food, you can grow your own fruits and vegetables and have complete control over their quality. Continue reading “10 Simple Tips for a Successful Vegetable Garden” »

Skittles Poke Cake Recipe


Sugar shouldn’t be a part of our everyday diet, but since you can’t avoid consuming sugar forever it is normal to indulge once in a while. And at these special times, you have to prepare something truly unique. This Skittles poke cake recipe is the perfect way to celebrate a special occasion or simply to surprise yourself with a tasty desert. Poke cakes are usually made with jelly, but this is an upgraded version where Skittles are the main actors. Continue reading “Skittles Poke Cake Recipe” »

Touchscreen Coffee Table: The Ultimate Interactive Office Solution


Blending technology with home décor is something we all dreamed about since we had our first encounter the personal computer. To an extent, technology and furniture have co-existed but weren’t exactly combined. The people from Mozayo company have offered for sale this awesome touchscreen desk that will transform your house into the office/domestic space of the future. Just imagine a coffee table that allows you to do whatever you already do on your PC and maybe more, but in a much comfortable and accessible way. Continue reading “Touchscreen Coffee Table: The Ultimate Interactive Office Solution” »

40 Creative LOW-BUDGET DIY Garden Pots


An attractive garden can include beautiful examples of flora but the mandatory part is actually interesting pieces of decoration. If you’re not one of those persons who clutter their garden with what they call useless decorations, there is a way you can blend functionality with aesthetics: garden pots. And turning your regular household items into interesting flower pots will definitely fascinate anyone. In this context, the following collection of 40 low-budget ideas will prove to offer great assistance. Some might be familiar solutions, Continue reading “40 Creative LOW-BUDGET DIY Garden Pots” »

DIY Citronella Candles Tutorial


Thinking about summer in this unpleasant weather is a natural thing to do, but how about making something that will constantly remind you of summer nights? This homemade citronella candle is very easy to make and your home will smell fresh and summer-like. You should also keep this tutorial bookmarked for the hot weather as it will be a great home remedy against mosquitoes. Continue reading “DIY Citronella Candles Tutorial” »

Converted Homes: Grain Bins & Silos


Turning a 1940s grain silo into a loft apartment isn’t easy but it isn’t also impossible! There are lots of examples that show what designers can manage to come up with if challenged enough. The converted homes we feature in this gallery are superb architectural transformations. From simple storage units to truly welcoming homes, the grain silos have been improved without changing much their characteristic appearance. Continue reading “Converted Homes: Grain Bins & Silos” »

LG Refrigerator With Door-in-Door Technology


Grabbing a quick bite or a light snack is something you’d want your interaction with the refrigerator would be. But most times, opening the fridge (especially a modern large one) will leave you a bit lost and – why not say it – confused, just like when walking among the supermarket’s isles. The answer to your needs comes from LG Electronics which designed the first commercially available double Door-in-Door refrigerator. Continue reading “LG Refrigerator With Door-in-Door Technology” »

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