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How to Grow a Potted Pineapple


Here is a creative way to have and to grow some tropical fruits at home. You just need to follow the below steps and your guests and friends will be surely impressed. Continue reading “How to Grow a Potted Pineapple” »

Jewel of Architecture in Beverly Hills


This luxurious home in Beverly Hills will leave a footprint on your memory. A combination of functionality and architectural beauty is what architect Marc Whipple wanted to imprint the viewers with. He used sharp angles intertwined with plants, water and art work, as well as glass and contrasting textures to give the feeling you are in an exotic resort and yet still live in the famous Californian community. Continue reading “Jewel of Architecture in Beverly Hills” »

DIY Bench From Broken Chairs


Ever felt envy when seeing those nicely trimmed gardens with the classy benches? People lounging comfortably in a sunny afternoon, sipping on a glass of lemonade and gently skimming a book? You can have the same result without giving some antique dealer a couple of hundred dollars. You only need 2 Continue reading “DIY Bench From Broken Chairs” »



It’s not the doors, the rooftop or the architectural decorations that make a house unique. What makes a place really comfortable to live in, are those little spots between the main rooms, that a visitor might overlook, but who lives there definitely loves to show off. You can transform your house or apartment into a home, by designing your own window nook. Take Lora Neveu’s work for inspiration. Continue reading “DIY Window Nook: BEFORE & AFTER” »

DIY Natural Floor Cleaner


In the last decade, the trend is clearly heading toward a more organic approach. People and business owners around the world are looking to manufacture products that are non-synthetic and non-toxic, while the demand for natural things is on the rise. The DIY field is constantly surprising everybody with Continue reading “DIY Natural Floor Cleaner” »

Ways to Organize Toys in Playrooms


Everybody who has children knows that cleaning up after play-time is the worst. Toys who fought courageously in a battle or toys who had an elegant tea-party are lying everywhere on the floor, being a real menace for feet brave enough to adventure in the kids’ room. There is a solution for all this mess. Made out of an unused bookcase or a regular drawer, the toy drawer shelves are a good way of mixing play with organizing. Continue reading “Ways to Organize Toys in Playrooms” »

Solar Floating Resort


An Italian architect has come up with the design of a luxurious floating hotel, which he describes is completely energy independent. According to Michele Puzzola this hotel can be “anchored” on the most exotic ribs. The design is drawn for 6 client passengers, who can observe the underwater wildlife thanks to a Continue reading “Solar Floating Resort” »

DIY Cardboard Tray


Children often find odd places to sit and play. It doesn’t matter how colorful the table you bought from the furniture store looks, they always want to draw, paint or play in any other place that you planned for them. The answer to this problem is a homemade portable table. An ingenious idea for Continue reading “DIY Cardboard Tray” »

Make a Snowman With Plastic Cups


It’s kind of difficult to bring a real snowman at your Christmas party without it melting in half an hour. But it’s much easier to make your own! And if you use plastic cups for this, you will get a sympathy bonus from your friends; eco is the way to go. It will also be in theme with the party. Continue reading “Make a Snowman With Plastic Cups” »

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