Here is a great all-in-one piece of furniture, bed and desk, which is great if your are going away to college and are in search for your own place. This furniture offers the comfort of a bed when open and when you close it, it is transformed into a study desk. It is very clever as you don’t need to Continue reading “Space Saving with StudyBed” »
DIY Halloween Felt Rose Wreath
We found another great DIY idea for Halloween that we want to share with you. It is a nice holiday decoration for your door that will make all the Trick-or-Treaters jealous. This project is also an inexpensive one, so after spending some money on this year’s Halloween party you won’t need to worry that the Continue reading “DIY Halloween Felt Rose Wreath” »
DIY Decoration For Your Room With Masking Tape
We will show you a great trick today. It is cheap and very easy, so don’t worry if you are clumsy, this project is very easy to make.
We are going to show you how to decorate plain looking objects with masking tape, to give them a makeover. So let’s take for instance a simple white vase and redecorate it. Masking tape can come in a variety of colors, be sure to Continue reading “DIY Decoration For Your Room With Masking Tape” »
DIY Colored Pencil Jewelry
Here is a creative idea, which we are sure all our female readers will love. Ladies, we are going to show you how to make a fashionable necklace out of pencils.
You will need pencils (several colors), a cutter, a drill and a thread. First of all start by purchasing some colored pencils, the more colorful the better. Then with a cutter, cut the end part Continue reading “DIY Colored Pencil Jewelry” »
DIY Wood Pencil Holder
As the topic of today is simple and inexpensive DIY projects, we have another great idea for you. Make wooden pencil holders out of things you probably already have at home. You will only need décor paper, glue, a piece of wood and a drill. Take the piece of wood, it would be great if it were a rectangle shaped Continue reading “DIY Wood Pencil Holder” »
Hidden Power Outlet
For kitchens, home offices, conference rooms, offices, this Hidden Power Outlet may be what you are looking for… and it’s easy to install.
The EVOline Port provides electrical connections in a retractable aluminum housing on the island and it may also be used under the cabinet, eliminating the need of any cutouts for electrical outlets in back splashes. Continue reading “Hidden Power Outlet” »
DIY Twin Tables
The internet is a place where you can stumble upon a lot of creative ideas. This next one is a great project for those who like objects with a vintage feel. You will need and old table, a circular saw, paint and some angle irons. If you have a balcony or a terrace, you should take out the table there and cut it in half with the circular saw. This way you won’t make a mess inside the house. Then choose the Continue reading “DIY Twin Tables” »
DIY Rainbow In A Jar
If you are looking for a fun art project which is also cheap, then we will teach you how to color salt with chalk in order to create amazing art pieces. Usually for these kinds of project, artists tend to use sand, but salt will do it too and it is even better as it can be colored easily. It is also very cheap, as you can color salt with chalk and you don’t have to purchase the expensive colored sand you can find at a crafts store. Continue reading “DIY Rainbow In A Jar” »
Handmade Houses: A Century of Earth-Friendly Home Design
Handmade Houses is a concept based on eco-friendly architecture and Richard Olsen’s book “Handmade Houses: A Century of Earth Friendly Home Design” explores the beginings of this kind of architecture by traveling to North America, The UK, Italy, Spain, France and Australia. The author tried to search for houses in which eco-friendly design, DIY projects and other great ideas merge and visited them one by one. Continue reading “Handmade Houses: A Century of Earth-Friendly Home Design” »