While it is a great idea, I think that its weight can pose a serious problem, especially when there is a really bad weather. Another problem is the bathroom, which is missing. I remember that you posted a plastic house that had all the proprieties needed, and it could not be much heavier than this tent with the bed inside of it. As people say, its price of 2k is not bad, but honestly, would you really buy something like this? Once more, I would rather spend my money on a shipping container and remodel it by myself than to just stay in a tent.
If st*” hits the fan a container and even camper may not be movable enuf.if you say its not livable u were never an Indian or prolly won’t live long trying to be self relient.its a shame that people can’t live as we did 100 years ago..we have went backwards and won’t notice until the grid is gone…
Washing hands in a camping/survival situation is very important. I provide sink that is effective and conserves water. See the video at my website, deluxecamping.com
Michelle what a pleasant comment…Not!! Abbreviations in a post is pretty common. So if you need an interpreter enuf=enough prolly= probably . You making fun of grammar in a post is ridiculous. Put you red correction pen away and welcome to the future. Geezus this is the longest friggen post I’ve written…Michelle doesn’t like Abbreviations
I d like to know how much does it cost for Safari Tent? Just out of curiosity! Thanks
How, much is ??????
i found in amazon it cost almost 2,000 for it…
i found in amazon it cost almost 2,000 for it…
Um. People are saying $2,000. But, there’s a link to it in this post. It’s on amazon for $249
Take a closer look at the amazon link. It’s not the tent that is $249, but the awning that can be added to the tent that is $249.
I think the $249.99 is jut for the awning.
Um. People are saying they found it for $2,000. But, there’s a link to the official Amazon store right in the beginning of this post. It’s $250.
Nevermind. The link they posted is JUST FOR THE AWNING….
It’s $249 plus FREE shipping!!! It also including pole and robe from Amazon, not just the awning or the shell. Ppl info is there just need to read!!!
The awning is 249. The tent is around 2000
And I just saw this post after I already replied above.
2grand doesnt seem very inexpensive to me…comepared to what a real house ..this is still a tent…
If weight isn’t as much of an issue, the Costco carport (and many similar polyethylene garages) has precisely the same configuration for about $200.
It’s 1999.99 on amazon
Why not just buy a used camper??
For that price a canvas tent is a better buy. Better for cold weather and more durable than nylon.
A used camper? On the Big Island?
and exactly WHERE is one to put it?????
While it is a great idea, I think that its weight can pose a serious problem, especially when there is a really bad weather. Another problem is the bathroom, which is missing. I remember that you posted a plastic house that had all the proprieties needed, and it could not be much heavier than this tent with the bed inside of it. As people say, its price of 2k is not bad, but honestly, would you really buy something like this? Once more, I would rather spend my money on a shipping container and remodel it by myself than to just stay in a tent.
Did any of you actually bother to look at it on Amazon? It’s not $2000. It is $249.95, pay attention.
No Phoenix. That is just for the AWNING. Pay attention 🙂
Ummmm …. I think you need to pay attention — the $249.00 price is just for the front awning ….
Barebones Living Safari Tent Front Awning, Sand
by Barebones Living
Be the first to review this item
Price: $249.99 Free Shipping for Prime Members
thats for the awning dickhead
If st*” hits the fan a container and even camper may not be movable enuf.if you say its not livable u were never an Indian or prolly won’t live long trying to be self relient.its a shame that people can’t live as we did 100 years ago..we have went backwards and won’t notice until the grid is gone…
enuf? Prolly?
Yes, you are right we have gone backwards…backwards in terms of general education. With all due respect, correct spelling matters.
Washing hands in a camping/survival situation is very important. I provide sink that is effective and conserves water. See the video at my website, deluxecamping.com
You dont need to spend big $ on a sink just use an old baby bath simple.
249.00$ is just for the awning
I wish I had 100,000 of them………
All 100,000 to go to Nepal. : (
Actually, any number I could get would be ok too.
Michelle what a pleasant comment…Not!! Abbreviations in a post is pretty common. So if you need an interpreter enuf=enough prolly= probably . You making fun of grammar in a post is ridiculous. Put you red correction pen away and welcome to the future. Geezus this is the longest friggen post I’ve written…Michelle doesn’t like Abbreviations