30 DIY Repurposed Headboard Ideas

Changing your old bed, doesn’t mean you have to throw it out once you got a new one. At least not all its pieces. When it comes to the matress it’s quite obviouse how you can reuse it. But what about the other pieces of the bed, such as the headboard? Well, the headboard ...

DIY Cedar Play Teepee

If you want to surprise your children with a new toy, building an outdoor playhouse would be a nice idea. As summer is approaching your children will start spending more and more time outside, so why not have their own special place where they can play and also enjoy a nice summer ...

DIY Cell Phone Case Out Of A Balloon

Nowadays pretty much everyone owns a smartphone. But having such a phone can be really frustrating sometimes. Just think about the times you accidentally dropped the phone and thought, “this is it, my phone is ruined” as the display can crack and then you would have to ...

How To Make A Coffee Pot Terrarium

People tend to dismiss their creative possibilities and as a result, they are less inclined to create objects, projects and other stuff anybody else didn’t already make previously. It is good to experiment, it is what drove humankind to the point it is today. The  coffee pot ...

DIY: How to Repurpose an Old T-Shirt

Old items of clothing aren’t only good for donating or throwing away. At the rate in which handmade culture is adopted and promoted by people from all around the world, it’s quite obvious there is an alternative solution for your unused and worn-out clothes. Take this ...

DIY Heart Bokeh Lens Filter

  Have you ever seen pictures that have beautiful and colorful spots of light on them? These small spots are called “bokeh” in photography and can give your pictures a magical air. These light patterns are much more easier to make, then one would think at a first ...

DIY Tetris Shelves

This creative and colorful bookshelves project will remind you of childhood and simpler times. The nice part of the Tetris bookshelf is that you can customize every piece and create the shelves as big as you want, depending on your space and need for storage units. This piece will ...

20 DIY Awesome Garden Art Ideas

The 20 DIY Awesome Garden Art Ideas we provide you with are an inspiration to work on making your property the best looking one in the neighborhood. And your creativity is put to the test here: you will have the opportunity to recycle, reuse and impress with all of your gardening ...

DIY Raised Garden Beds With Cinder Blocks

If you are concerned about underground pests constantly messing with your garden, the solution is rather simple: a raised garden bed with cinder blocks. This DIY project can be easily made, especially if you have some blocks used in some other project before and salvaged; the result ...
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