DIY Easter Lambs

How would you like to make some cute Easter decorations that are also edible? This cute little Easter lamb is easy to make and can be the main decoration of a tasty cake or other sweets. To make them, you will have to search your memories and remember how your childhood when you used ...

DIY Fairy Home From an Old Stump

Cutting trees is a sad thing to do, but some specimens are rotten on the inside and it is better to remove them before they fall during some storm and injure a person or damage your home. This event that happens a lot must not carry the signs of sorrow, because your garden design ...

DIY Car Rim BBQ (video)

Barbequing is a very pleasant activity as you can enjoy a nice time together with family and friends and eat some tasty food. Although the season for BBQ is still not here, this doesn’t mean you can’t gather information for spring and summer. You should start by finding ...

6 DIY Unique Photography Gifts

Photos are one of the most personal and touching gifts you can surprise your loved ones with. Many times a photograph can express more than words, so if you are looking for a special gift for someone, pictures can be an awesome idea. In the following video you will learn more about ...

DIY Citronella Candles Tutorial

Thinking about summer in this unpleasant weather is a natural thing to do, but how about making something that will constantly remind you of summer nights? This homemade citronella candle is very easy to make and your home will smell fresh and summer-like. You should also keep this ...

DIY Cable Spool Duck House

Having used materials in your yard can be a blessing in disguise. What some may view as a burden on organizing the space or another object of clutter can be used in so many creative ways. The one we suggest today can benefit your ducks, if you have any, of course. Transforming a cable ...

DIY Braided Rug Tutorial: Recycling Old Towels

As you already know from all the projects we’ve been showing you on this website, any material can be recycled. Whether you want to transform an old object and give it a new look or you want to create something entirely new, recycling is a great way to play around with different ...

How To Build Wine Barrrel Fire Pit

Having a good afternoon or evening with friends or loved ones can’t be fully enjoyed without a reason of showing off with your latest devices or skills. The wine barrel which doubles as a fire pit and table is a perfect example of how easily you can achieve that! Besides the ...

DIY Plastic Egg Glow Bugs

Fireflies are beautiful creatures and their natural light can bring a beautiful spectacle to your garden. But what do you do if you live in an area where these little bugs are quite rare? You make your own little fireflies to keep you entertained on hot summer nights. You can do this ...
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