Easy DIY: Egg Carton Flower Lights
The look of your home or room can easily be improved with DIY projects. You don’t have to be an interior designer to change the look of your home, as a few simple ideas will do the trick. You just have to be careful to choose the right project for you, one that fits your personality ...

How to Make an Egg Carton Flower
Many say nature is hard to copy. But DIY enthusiasts prove this statement to be wrong, with every passing day. Here is a bold example of how to make an impressive bouquet of daffodils out of a simple egg carton. For this, you will need:

How To Start Seeds In Eggshells
Gardening is a hobby that needs not only lots of work but also attention to detail. A great way to go about in this domain at first is to start with seedlings. And there are a lot of ways to use your everyday objects from your household for this. For example, use eggshells to start ...