Clever Food Artist Turns Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Into Cute Characters to Encourage Healthy Habits
In a delightful pursuit to encourage healthier eating habits among children, food artist Sarah Lescrauwaet-Beach has turned fresh fruits and vegetables into charming characters and creations. Recognizing the challenge that parents face in convincing kids to consume their greens, Lescrauwaet-Beach ...

Spain to Ban Plastic Wrap for Fruits and Veggies
The plastic dump is one of the biggest environmental threats our planet faces, and sometimes extreme decisions need to be taken to end bad practices.
Spain is taking an essential step in reducing plastic waste by banning plastic wrap for fruits and vegetables.

How To Grow Fruit Trees In Containers
Growing your own fruits and vegetables is becoming more and more popular. At a first glance it seems like a hard job, but luckily there are some alternatives that make the whole process more simple and homemade. One of the most common problems is the lack of space. If you live in ...

A Cute Floral Arrangement That Will Make Your Room More Attractive
We love flowers, but we also like fruits. What if you could combine these two into a cute arrangement that will make your room more attractive? We can show you how to do it in just a few steps. It’s really simple and will have a great impact on your room. So here are the steps.