DIY Hidden Bed for Small Rooms
Building your own furniture is fun and it gives you a degree of freedom at the same time. You normally won’t take this method into consideration, but if you’re confronted with a lack of space in your room, you will! Lucky for you, our website is here to help you with this process. ...

Practical Solution for Small Apartments: Hidden Bed
Limited space is something more and more people are struggling with when leaving in large and crowded cities. With the trend growing from year to year, and megacities being a certainty in the future, why not plan ahead? Try to make this three-in-one piece of DIY furniture. Sofa, bed ...

Small Apartment with Innovative Hidden Bed by Anthony Gill
Located in Harry Seidler building in Sydney, Australia this beautiful small apartment was completed by Anthony Gill Architects. The project involved the redesign of an existing a 410 square feet, with the aim to create a space that would suit a couple with a young child. The existing ...