Cool And Creative Bed Covers
Searching for a cute idea to decorate your bedroom? Maybe it won’t be such an impact for the overall interior design, but this next piece will surely attract some `Aww!` moments. The piece features a girl and a boy in the bed, under the covers. It is colorful and has a brightening ...

15+ Amazing Interior Design Ideas That Will Take Your House To Another Level
Changing the look of your home is not that easy, especially if you are out of ideas. This is why present you this next article with a list of stunning interiors to inspire you in your own redesigning project. Some of the ideas below are quite luxurious and would probably require a ...

25 Creative DIY Ways To Show Off Your Plants
Having plants in your care is a responsibility. But also a great opportunity to show off your decorating! The way you position them in your home can lead to an improved interior design or a worse décor. Now that you know the reason for which you not only can but most keep your plants ...

How To Build a Deluxe Barrel Stove
Wood-stoves are great as an off-grid heating system, but they are raw in their look. Going beyond its usefulness, how can you turn a barrel stove into a deluxe piece of design in your home? Well, we think we have just the solution for you. The deluxe barrel stove is an easy DIY project ...

How can you make a small apartment feel large yet cozy? Check out this amazing Scandinavian minimalist interior design
Scandinavians are famous for their love of modern and minimalist style. Their fondness for white interiors and coziness – mysig, in swedish – is determined mostly by a need of light during those dark long winters. This one-room apartment of 441-square-foot with large windows ...

The Hunting Lodge by Snohetta, Norway
Norway is best known about its beautiful landscapes and breathtaking scenery. Spotted among its amazing mountains, the Hunting Lodge designed by Snohetta fits in perfectly, without creating a disruption in the landscape. The home is located near the Akrafjorden Fjord and looks as ...

DIY Barn Door Baby Gate – Free Plans
A child changes everything in your life. And we do mean everything! From your usual wake-up routine to psychological reactions to crying in the middle of the night, a baby will have definite effects on your lifestyle. In this aspect, the interior design of your home will change noticeably. ...

Fabulous Rustic Interior Design
The architects from Locati create beautiful and warm interiors paired with a luxurious interior design. They use the best materials on the market and promise to offer you the home of your dreams. The Ontario Residence is one of the amazing homes designed by Locati and as its name ...

Off Grid Wooden Nomad Carriage Cottage
Some 6200 acres of woods with red deer and wild boar hide a beautiful romantic cottage where you can spend the weekend of a lifetime. The cabin, inspired by gypsy wooden nomad carriages, is located inside a dense forest in the foothills of the beautiful South Hungarian Mecsek Mountains. ...