DIY Cute Owl Cake
When you first see those cute animal or cartoon character shaped cakes, you might think a sculptor or another great artist might have been involved in the baking process. The truth behind works of gastronomical art like these is a good use of geometrical spacing and shaping. We will ...

Delicious Breakfast Egg Muffins
When those mornings are so hard on you, breakfast is the last thing on your mind. We recommend you this DIY Delicious Breakfast Egg Muffins. Suitable for days you wish to spend little time in the kitchen and also when you need to feed more than one mouth. And that’s not even the ...

Giraffe Swiss Roll Recipe
When you feel like giving your dishes a creative twist, don’t think on what to do for days on end. Such acts will make you find inspiration, perhaps, but will lose interest to act on your ideas. Instead, try to implement some examples from around you, or around the world. This giraffe ...

DIY Sprite Gummy Bear Popsicles
Sure you’ve thought of eating more than one candy or dessert at a time. Even though you can’t admit it now (as a grown-up), this thought has crossed your mind at a time when you were a teen. The recipe for making this is very simple and it only takes about half an hour. It’s ...

How to Make Fraisier Cake
Amazing friends don’t stick around if you’re constantly inviting them to share a pizza. Especially lady friends! Pizzas and hamburgers are good while you’re in your teens, but as you become an adult, people tend to take you seriously according to what food you surround yourself ...

Baked Apple Chips Recipe
If you crave something sweet, but also something that is healthy and won’t make you gain weight, than this next light snack will be just perfect. This next recipe will teach you how to make apple chips real quickly. You will need:

Swan Cookies Recipe
You would think cookies in the shape of a swan are difficult to make, but in reality they are quite easy when you try. There isn’t much hassle with achieving this creative and yet delicious result, you just have to use any cookie dough, as long as

Delicious Egg Cobbler
The table seems so empty without some sort of original dish? You don’t want Christmas to be a dull and boring holiday, but yearn to impress your friends and family with a wonderful and yet simple dinner? Then you should definitely try this recipe for a delicious egg cobbler.

Vegetable Platter Ideas
Making a delicious breakfast or dinner is not about coming up with the most sophisticated dish or a complex dessert. You can get that uniqueness you are searching, and for which your friends admire your cooking, with a nicely decoration