Tiny Off-Grid Rustic Log Cabin







Rustic-Log-Cabin-15 source: Tiny House Listings

9 Responses to “Tiny Off-Grid Rustic Log Cabin”

  1. panobuz says:

    Like many of your posts, I don’t see solar panels or wind mill. I do see however something that looks like an AC unit in the window and other things that might require electricity. I assume you do know Off grid living means not being connected to the grid in any way.

    • panocea says:

      yes if you read the one-paragraph article, it says it has electricity and a window AC unit. I agree that’s not offgrid.

  2. Mjpare says:

    Yeah really cute but I’m over the out house thing. I would have to have plumbing. I would like to see the loft too. Actually I’d like more inside photos.

  3. Antoinette says:

    Why doesn’t the house have water tanks to catch rainwater off of the roof?

  4. Michelle W. says:

    I absolutely love it!

    I do not understand the above comments. “tiny” “off grid” “RUSTIC” pretty much explains it folks, find your stainless steel appliances and granite counter tops somewhere else.

  5. Teresa says:

    Please email me location and more info. please

  6. Rick jones says:

    Didn’t Jeds kin folk say “jed…get up and move away from there! ?”

  7. Shirley Winfield says:

    I love the house and the environment is it for sale and how much

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