The Beaver Run Log House

A classic log cabin, the Beaver Run is a traditional design that stands the test of time. So it’s no wonder this plan is a Confederation favorite. The Beaver Run log is a beautiful and spacious log home that is spread over 2,068 square feet and was built on two floors. The home ...

Make Your Own Wine Throne Out Of Wood Pallets

There is nothing like chilling outdoors on a warm summer day and enjoying a nice drink while capturing all the sunlight like a tiny lizard. But what can make a warm day even better is this amazing throne that will also hold your drinks while being comfy too. And when it comes to making ...

Take a look inside a $3 million doomsday condo that can sustain 75 people for 5 years

Doomsday scenarios have come up a lot of times in these past months, as humankind is facing the first even pandemic of contemporary times. It is only normal that many people have started planning in case there will be new threats facing our existence on Earth and some went as far ...

Giraffes Left Stranded by Flooding in Kenya Are Dramatically Rescued by a Special Barge

A giraffe on a boat is a strange sight, but because of recent events in Kenya, a rescue mission had no other choice than making a powerful intervention. Conservationists in Kenya headed to Lake Baringo where severe rains raised water levels dramatically endangering the local species. ...

Climate Change Brings Prehistoric Plant From 60 Million Years Ago Back to Life

The Cycad is an ancient plant that hasn’t grown in the United Kingdom for a long time, and it originated in Japan 60 million years ago. But because of climate change, the Cycads have gone extinct in the UK, until now when botanists have managed to grow them outdoors. Ventnor Botanic ...

This Barn Home Is Like Nothing You’ve Seen Before

The Barn home at The Last Ranch is a very impressive log cabin, thanks to its size and interior. The construction of the Barn started in 2010 and the outcome is an amazing wooden barn that can serve perfectly as space for celebrating birthdays and events with family and friends. What ...

Quaint Historic Log Cabin Overlooking The James River

An important aspect of a log cabin is its location and surroundings. The most perfect log cabins will blend beautifully with the surroundings and are usually in the middle of nature. This adorable log cabin is called The Squirrels Nest and is located near the James River in Buchanan, ...

These Crocheted Sanderson Sisters from Hocus Pocus are Adorable

Step by step instructions on what you need and how to make these adorable crochet Winifred, Sarah, and Mary Sanderson sisters from the hit movie Hocus Pocus!

Keep a Jasmine Plant in Your Room to Reduce Stress and Anxiety

Stress is one of the negative constants in our modern lives and everyone is looking for efficient ways to reduce it. Long-term exposure to stress can cause sleepless nights, anxiety and even disease so it should be gradually reduced and, in the end, eliminated from everyday lives. One ...
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