Simple Tips for Hillside Landscaping
Although having a garden may seem for many like a difficult objective if you don’t have the necessary landscape and other environmental conditions. The truth is the opposite! People around the world if it’s something you really wish for, your determination is the only ...

DIY Raised Planter Stand
If you have enough free space in your garden it would be a pity to waste it. The ideal way to use that space is to plant something, but that would be a lot of work and maybe even some future troubles. So in order to avoid that, you can make a raised planter that will help you organize ...

DIY Tiered Hanging Terracotta Pots
Greenery is an important part of your home’s character and overall interior design. With space being an issue for most of people, why not try and transform your usual planter setting into a vertical garden? Make this happen with a simple project like the DIY Tiered Hanging Pots. ...

Art of Gardening: Sleeping Bird Topiary
For some, their gardens are more important than the house itself. Usually, these nature-loving people go to much extent in order to transform their outdoors into a habitable and welcoming environment. In this context, topiary is a perfect medium to achieve that result. The ...

How To Make A Lighted Pathway With Solar Powered Sun Bricks
If you happen to have some trouble with lighting your patio, then this next idea will make you feel relieved. To avoid using lots of light bulbs and different types of lighting, you could install some bricks that use solar power. The great thing about them is, that they can be installed ...

How to Build a “Hoop House” Glides Open and Closed
If you’re fond of growing vegetables in your own yard, you will be searching for ways to keep them safe from pests and bad weather. In the same time, vegetables need sun and fresh air. But how can you combine the both? Introducing the vegetable garden hoop house that glides open ...

Beautiful Grass Sculptures
A wonderful way you could improve the design of a garden is through grass sculptures. Not surprisingly, this method of landscaping is highly sought by municipalities in order to draw attention to public areas. Although this is a job for professsional artists, you could try and make ...

DIY Cement Stepping Stone
If you’re looking for a nice, fun and interesting way to keep track on how your kid grows older, we suggest you try the following DIY project. With a piece of cement stepping stone you will be able to preserve a unique moment in time and share it later with the teenager your ...

How To Make a Succulent Ball
Remember the movies where the gardens the main actors took walks into look almost from the fairytales? The same goes with lifestyle magazines, where you see all kind of celebrities posing in majestic gardens. Luckily, you can make a garden design just as beautiful by following some ...