Strawberry Rose Bouquet Tutorial
When you first see this, you would think what a beautiful bouquet of roses. But actually it’s one made out of strawberry! The skills necessary for doing these tasty works of art are not that hard. It’s challenging, for sure, but not impossible, and it only takes a knife ...
How to Reuse and Recycle Old DVDs
If you like projects that center on the upgrading of old objects, then you will surely like this next one. It is also a recycling project as you will need to find a new purpose for your old DVDs that you don’t need anymore. The tutorial will teach you how to make a Birdbath ...
DIY Paper Bag Floor
When you think about re-flooring a room, you immediately start to plan the amount of money you will spend, the bulky materials needed and so on. This stage of the process might be so stressful that you would drop the whole project. Before you do this drastic step, there is a cheaper ...
DIY Paper Flower Centerpiece
Wouldn’t it be great if you could make flowers in the comfort of your home? We’re not talking about gardening, but handcrafting! With this tutorial, you will learn the trick of transforming an ordinary piece of paper into a lovely flower. Decorate your house with a stylish display ...
DIY Camp Loft Bed
Room to play is essential to every kid’s room. Space for resting is also a key element for the right development of a child. So in order to blend the two together, designers have come up with an interesting and attractive piece of furniture. Without any further rambling, let ...
DIY Project: Clay Pot Lighthouse
Giving your garden a great look means hard work and dedication. It also means some degree of inspiration. Decorating with gnomes is becoming outdated. What’s hip right now is all sorts of DIY projects, like this creative clay pot lighthouse. Here is what you’ll need to do
DIY T-Shirt Bow Sleeves without Sewing
When you see a project to re-purpose or re-design clothes, you would probably be scared by all the sowing to be done. But in 6 easy steps, you will learn how to fashion a t-shirt with bow sleeves, without having to use a needle and thread one bit. Here is the list of necessary
DIY Minion Costume
Minions, from the movie Despicable Me are just adorable. Both children and adults love them, because they are too cute to be true. So if you too are a huge fan of Minions, then you should try and make this great craft called Minion costume. It will be great as your next Halloween ...
DIY Valentines Decor
This year for Valentine’s Day you should do something special and decorate the entire house with Valentine’s decorations. You can find a lot of pretty decorations. Will create a nice and romantic atmosphere in your home. For instance you can decorate your dining table ...