New Twist on an Old Dresser {with decorative aluminum sheet}

Projects that teach you how to recondition an old piece of furniture are always fun! So gather your tools and patience because you will learn how to give an old dresser a very chic look using sheet metal. Now, you’ll just need to find an old dresser in your home or search for ...

Sunburst Granny Square Pattern (FREE Tutorial)

Have you heard about the Granny Square crochet pattern? It is a traditional pattern featured mostly in blankets and it first appeared in in the early 1800s. You can actually say that the Granny square pattern was actually the beginning of patch-working as people used to sew these ...

How To Build A Compost Heating System

Finding a proper and low budget heating system for your home is not easy. To keep your investments low, you can make yourself a compost heating system. The method was invented in 1970 by a French farmer named Jean Pain. He used compost to heat his home and generate energy and he made ...

Cool Project Ideas Made Out Of Bales Of Hay

A bale of hay isn’t just a reason for fun times for kids. You can use hay for all sorts of DIY projects. If you’re looking for material for an eco-friendly dwelling, then bales of hay is your way to go. If you’re planning on building an outdoor swimming pool, then ...

DIY Fairytale Cottage Chicken Coop

Providing your chickens with the proper amount of security as well as comfort isn’t hard but it requires some effort from your part. That entails offering them a house to call their own! Making a chicken coop is not the most complex DIY project but you will need to roll up your ...

2 Ingredient Bathtub Cleaning Spray

Keeping the household clean can be a difficult task. Especially if you are working with chemical products that aren’t simply doing their job successfully! A homemade solution can be the answer to a problem like this. And all you have to use are dish soap and warm vinegar! The mix ...

DIY Beautiful Giant Circular Rug

The breezy weather of autumn is closely setting in your home. In order to prepare for this situation, here is a simple and creative DIY project which will effectively bring (or keep) some coziness in your home. This is achieved by turning 7.5 lbs. of wool into a comfy rug. Don’t ...

Learn How To Create A Swirl Dyed T-shirt

There are plenty of ways in which you can reuse clothes and give your wardrobe a much-needed upgrade. But handmade clothes are always the creative and trendy option! Dyeing your clothes (especially regular plain t-shirts or any other baby cotton clothing) is the easiest of methods. ...

Use Road Tape To Make Play Roads!

Remember how easy it was to have fun during a time when technology wasn’t present everywhere? When playing with toy cars was so common that almost every boy in the neighborhood held a play-session with this theme at least once a week. With the creative play-tape showcased here ...
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