DIY Fun With Grass Seeds And Sponges
If you are looking for fun homemade projects for your kids, this next one might be a great choice. It is a little grass house that can be made at home without big costs and materials from your household. To build the house you will be using kitchen sponge and plant the grass seed ...

How To Make A Solar Still
Using an alternative energy source in your home can have a lot of advantages. First of all, this type of energy is much cheaper as you’ll make use of a natural resource. Second of all, you will help the environment by living a more sustainable life and reducing your CO2 imprint ...

How to Draw in 3D using this simple technique
Knowing how to have fun with your kids is all about creativity. You must mix in some amusement into the learning activities, so the knowledge will stick. One way to achieve this is through optical illusions! As you can see from this tutorial on how to draw in 3D, capturing your kid’s ...

DIY Toys For Goats To Keep Them Busy
Animals require a lot of care and attention, but also dedicated toys and playtime. So while finding the perfect toy for a small pet can be an easy job, when it comes to other domesticated animals, the task becomes harder. For instance, have you ever seen a toy for goats displayed ...

Easily update your boring built-in bathtub with Faux Stone
When considering a home redecoration project, you shouldn’t ignore the smaller spaces such as your kitchen or bathroom. One can of course argue that renovating a bathroom can be really expensive, especially if you want to use natural and high quality materials. But there some ...

Super Easy Homemade Flubber Recipe
If you loved the movie Flubber with Robin Williams, then you are going to love this next project too. You can learn how to make your own Flubber, which is a very funny toy that appeals mostly to children. You can usually find it at toy stores, but if you want to try a fun project ...

Make Your Own Magical Mason Jar Oil Lamp
Setting a calm mood and ambience in your home is so easy with an easy trick that comes in the form of Mason Jar Oil Lamp. A few of these almost magical pieces of decoration will improve the way you feel in your own house and besides that it is also easy to make!
The jar is safer than ...

How to Make a Beaded Dreamcatcher
Threading your eyebrows might seem like an odd practice, but it isn’t in fact. There are professionals around the world who have mastered this art perfectly and made a carrier out of this technique. But with a few useful tips and tricks, you too can be a pro in eyebrow threading ...

Hidden Household Uses of Hydrogen Peroxide
Threading your eyebrows might seem like an odd practice, but it isn’t in fact. There are professionals around the world who have mastered this art perfectly and made a carrier out of this technique. But with a few useful tips and tricks, you too can be a pro in eyebrow threading ...