Awesome DIY Projects: 3 Amazing Diet Coke Can Hacks
Soda is not the healthiest drink on the planet, but everyone indulges once in a while in such a guilty pleasure. Next time you drink a soda keep the can for later as you can create a cute vase out of it for your room. The project is very simple and can be done in a few minutes, all ...

How to open a bottle with a sheet of A4 paper
This next trick is among those ones that should be known by everybody, as it is a very creative and helpful idea. If you ever happen to be in a situation that requires you to open a bottle, without a bottle opener, this little trick could save your life and give you some real street ...

Honey on Tap Directly From Your Beehive
This next project took Cedar Anderson around 10 years to make and achieve the final product. He together with his father, Stuart raise honeybees and they were in search of a more simple and non-painful ideas of collecting honey from the bees. The product they developed is called the ...

How To Build A PVC Watering Grid
The square foot gardening practice is a good idea if you have a small garden and want to divide it into small sections, to grow different kinds of plants. If you’re relatively new in the field of square foot gardening, then this tutorial of a homemade PVC watering grid will ...

How To Build Your Own DIY Outdoor Wood Stove,Oven, Cooker, Grill and Smoker
Outdoor cooking will be so much fun with this next creative project. If you your hobby is cooking and summer is your favorite season, outdoor cooking and barbecuing must be between your greatest pleasures. Indeed, nothing compares to the flavor of a well-cooked outdoor meal, not to ...

How To Cut And Peel Foods Super Fast and Easily
Have you ever wondered why you do everyday stuff the way you do it? Maybe there are other ways to do your daily activities that are more fast or ingenious. Today we are going to show you some great tips when it comes to eating and peeling foods and here are some of them that you’ve ...

How To Dye Clothes With A Shibori Technique
We’ve just found out about this cool Japanese technique of fabric dyeing, called Shibori and we had to share it with you too. The technique is most commonly known as tie-dye and used whenever you want to create a stunning pattern on a cloth. One of the ways to apply the Shibori ...

Stylish Wedding Table Arrangement
In order for a wedding to be perfect some key elements should be kept in mind and respected. One of the most important things is the location of the wedding, then comes the food, the good company and not to forget about decorations. The decorations can do a lot in favor of a bad location, ...

How To Make a DIY Tandoor Oven With Flower Pots
Those of you who are big fans of Indian food, keep your eyes open as this next project is dedicated to you. You can easily build your own Indian Tandoori outdoor oven in just a few steps, using terra cotta flower pots. Although Tandoori foods is known to be specific to the Indian ...