A Wolf Family Strikes a Majestic Pose
This photograph looks orchestrated at a first glance, but it is a case of being “in the right place at the right time”. Since animals are highly independent and instinctive creatures, it is hard to convince them to strike a pose for the camera.

Photographer Captures Rabbits Fighting
Takayuki Nakamura and Moya Nakamura or simply known as uta, are a photographer due who capture rabbits in all sorts of unexpected poses. Their most recent series features rabbits mid-air in battle-like fighting which looks like they are part of an anime.
The scene looks like it was ...

John Deere Tractor Engine
How about this cool John Deere Tractor engine? I assure you that your kid will love this. This service tractor is over 27 inches tall and comes with 15 play functions. It has numerous repairable parts that can be mounted and removed and replaced: the engine, spark plugs, wing nuts, ...

Dandelion Mommy Stand
This adorable Flower holder is great for those flowers our kiddos love to pick for us!
This Flower Holder comes with the stand and can either be blank or say picked for mommy! This is available in the link below…

New study claims eating just 1 hot dog could cost you 36 minutes of healthy life
Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches were associated with an increase of 33 minutes
Unhealthy eating is causing all sorts of health issues, from high cholesterol to weight gains and even heart problems. Paying attention to what we feed our bodies can have an impact on the longevity ...

Photographer is Documenting Ancient Baobab Trees Before They All Disappear
Trees are among the most precious treasures Earth has, as they provide oxygene and clean the air we breathe. Since trees are also considered the lungs of our planet, it is of high-importance to nurture and protect them. The oldest tree in the world at the moment is a 5,062 years old ...

Boy’s Passion For Woodworking Goes Viral, Raises Over $300K For Charity
Gabriel Clark is one very talented 12-year-old boy, whose passion for woodworking contributed to a noble cause. Clark lives in the United Kingdom and was feeling discouraged due to the lack of followers on his woodworking Instagram page.

Massive St. Bernards raise baby goat as their own
Animals can be so kind to each other, that they even surprise humans with their selfish behavior. Many animal species provide special care to babies of other species and even raise them as their own and this is the case in this next story as well.
These St. Bernards prove that dogs ...

Cop saves Donkey from oncoming highway and drives him to safety
This little donkey is one lucky jack! Kyle Canaan who is a local police officer received a phone call from the Oklahoma police and was asked to go to the rescue of a wild donkey.