Turn an old ladder into a Christmas Tree!

Learn how to add beautiful easy to make Christmas decorations for indoors or your front porch. All you need is to get an old ladder and add some holiday decor … Ladder Christmas Tree: This non-traditional Christmas tree made from a wooden ladder and wood planks is the perfect ...

Food is more expensive than it has been in decades

Bad news for American consumers: It’s getting more expensive to dine out, and it’s getting more expensive to eat at home. This past year has been hard for the entire world as the COVID-19 pandemic does not seem to come to an end. Besides restrictions and hardships endured ...

Comic Artist Maps the History of Languages with an Illustrated Linguistic Tree

  Minna Sundberg created this beautiful graphic art illustrating the linguistic tree of the world, drawing a connection between ancient and modern languages. She based her work on previous research performed by Ethnologue and draw a stunning tree where each branch represents a ...

‘Panther’ the cat rescued after days-long ordeal

For at least two days and maybe more, residents of a suburban Denver neighborhood worried about the fate of a black cat called Panther who was perched atop a 36-foot utility pole. Panther stayed put despite efforts by his co-owner, Alexis Soberanis and others to coax him down in Aurora. ...

‘Quad-State Tornado’ crossed four states in four hours and could set the record for longest tornado in U.S. history

This ‘Quad-State Tornado’ crossed four states in four hours and The National Weather Service will confirm if a single tornado tracked over 200 miles from Arkansas to Kentucky, which could set the record for longest tornado in U.S. history

Japanese Artist Transforms Old Amazon Cardboard Boxes into Amazing Sculptures

Monami Ohno is a very talented Japanese artist who has formal training in 3-D animation and is now making amazing sculptures out of cardboard. Her sculptures are mainly made out of used Amazon boxes and serve as a basis for her highly detailed designs.

Single man who grew up in foster care adopts 3 boys

Barry Farmer was experiencing an existential crisis in his early 20s, feeling lost and without a clear path. As he was trying to figure out his way in life, he spotted an ad that was looking for foster parents and he applied. As he was as well a child who grew up in foster care, he ...

Photographer Captures Full Sequence of Longest Partial Eclipse in Over 500 Years

Andrew McCarthy is a passionate astrophotographer who captures the most amazing pictures of the sky. His latest work features the longest partial lunar eclipse of the century and it is a stunning shot for which he stayed up until 4 a.m. and shot thousands of images to create the final ...

Baby Cows Wear Earmuffs in the Winter To Protect Them From Chilling Frostbite

Animals that wear clothes are always a cute sight, but what about cows with earmuffs? This is a common practice between farmers, as they wish to keep the ears of baby cows protected in winter, so they cover them in earmuffs.
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